Sunday, September 29, 2024
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Global Pulse

Boris Johnson manages to get nod for Brexit bill, but not for sticking to deadline

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said that if the EU agrees to extend the Brexit deadline, he would be forced to call a general election.

The long Brexit weekend – delays, extensions and the two letters

The UK parliament voted on an amendment Saturday, seeking an extension to the Brexit deadline to hold off voting on Boris Johnson’s renegotiated deal.

US-Turkey agree to a ceasefire in Syria, Kurdish forces asked to withdraw

The ceasefire was announced after US Vice President Mike Pence travelled to Ankara to meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed is gradually transforming the country’s economy

This year's Nobel Peace Prize winner, Ahmed aims to privatise many state-owned industries to steer Ethiopia towards economic growth.

Turkey’s military assault in Syria continues, thousands flee to escape violence

The Turkish offensive began after US President Trump ordered the removal of American forces from the Syrian-Turkey border Sunday.

Trump refuses to cooperate with impeachment inquiry, triggers a constitutional crisis

Democrats warned that Trump's failure to cooperate with the investigation will be considered as obstruction of justice.

Second whistleblower comes forward in Trump impeachment case

According to reports, the second whistleblower has 'first-hand knowledge' of the allegations against Donald Trump and is also an intelligence official.

Violent protests in Iraq leave one-year-old Mahdi govt in lurch

According to reports, 31 people have been killed after the government resorted to brute force to curb protests.

Jaishankar’s 7 day, 7 think tanks blitz leaves US academics bickering

Despite a tight schedule, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar spoke at seven think tanks during his US trip.

Live bullets fired in Hong Kong protests as China boasted military might

104 people, including an 18-year-old student, were injured after Hong Kong police fired live bullets on protesters.

On Camera

Hassan Nasrallah’s assassination underlines Israel’s military supremacy. Will it win peace?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has no intention of being drawn into another attritional war with Hezbollah. His commanders they are unlikely to win.

10 yrs ago, battery leasing failed to boost demand for EV cars in India. Now, it’s making a comeback

Under this model, battery is provided to EV owners on a subscription basis or lease. With more people open to buying EV cars, the lower upfront cost could likely drive wider acceptance.

Morocco signs pact with Tata for joint manufacture of WhAP Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The armoured platform is India's first amphibious infantry combat wheeled vehicle. Last year, the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces had procured 90 military trucks from the Tata Group.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?