Monday, September 30, 2024


Now, Facebook has a new plan to fight climate misinformation

Facebook is full of misinformation on climate change and climate disasters, which, when noticed and reported by users, is sent to the company’s third-party fact-checkers.

Boy or girl? The answer led to California wildfire that burnt down over 8,600 acres

Gender-reveal parties in vogue since 2008, but people have now started taking extreme measures during such events, with often other disastrous consequences besides wildfires.

Glaciers in Ladakh, J&K melting at ‘significant’ rate, shows satellite data study

The study was carried across the Line of Control & Line of Actual Control, and a total of 12,243 glaciers were studied for thickness and mass changes.

Washed your clothes today? You just threw out single-use plastic without realising it

As tiny as a grain of fine sand, hidden microplastics cannot be collected and recycled. But, little by little, they’re adding up to a huge problem.

Maharastra govt to conserve 600-acre Aarey land near Sanjay Gandhi National Park as forest

Constructions of roads, slums, adivasi pockets & government facilities will be excluded from the first phase of the initiative, official statement said.

Ganga water became fit for a dip, aquatic life at many places in lockdown, IIT study finds

Study by cGanga finds that the river's water in places like Haridwar, Kanpur & Varanasi showed marked improvement in key parameters, though overall quality needs more improvement.

Five hidden benefits of forests everyone should know

Only half of the world’s forests are still intact, a third being primary forests – natural woodlands composed of native species, not disturbed by human activity.

What is the future of zoos after Covid? We can’t afford them going extinct

Without paying visitors, the survival of zoos is at stake. They contribute substantially to animal conservation, scientific studies and research.

India should phase out coal plants and end fossil fuel subsidies, UN chief Guterres says

Delivering the 19th Darbari Seth Memorial Lecture, UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres stressed on how clean energy can help economies recover from Covid-19 pandemic.

NITI Aayog plans private partnerships to revive India’s degraded forests

Experts say the government’s focus on degraded forests is welcome, but express apprehensions about bringing in private players to save them.

On Camera

No more lip service on UNSC reforms—it’s time to form an implementation roadmap

Most of the UNSC’s failures stem from the use of veto power by the P5. In a world that champions democracy, the UNSC is inherently the most undemocratic entity possible.

After a brief surge, private investment & hiring has again turned cautious. Focus is on cutting debt

Financial year 2022-23 saw private investments & hiring surge, but since then firms are using cash to reduce debt. General elections didn’t help matters, either.

Morocco signs pact with Tata for joint manufacture of WhAP Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The armoured platform is India's first amphibious infantry combat wheeled vehicle. Last year, the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces had procured 90 military trucks from the Tata Group.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?