Friday, July 12, 2024
YourTurnSubscriberWrites: The Evolution Of The Internet

SubscriberWrites: The Evolution Of The Internet

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was first awarded the contract to form the same in a local area they called it ARPANET.

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In today’s world everything is connected through internet and most of our even daily activities can be performed by using writing like doing a homework, sending mails, booking tickets, applying passports etc. It seems to be very simple in operation but does it’s evolution was so easy and how it started and came into the whole picture as we see it today. Let’s have a look into it.

When researchers and technologists felt the need for transferring information from one place to another with ease and fast they felt they have computers so they started to find a way to transfer information from one computer to another. The basic technique required between this is to send data in packets form from one computer to another be it through wired or wireless medium. But in the beginning to formulate a way to connect the whole world was not easy. Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was first awarded the contract to form the same in a local area they called it ARPANET. ARPANET is quite similar to LAN in which a computer within a range communicated between them connected to a common junction point or router. The creation of telnet software was a important part of this project which was used to send messages from host to host that time in form of packets which are connected to a common network the ARPANET.

Later the need arise for the sending of data across cities, countries and continents. For that reason the same methods wouldn’t work. The basic obstruction in the path is in so long path there will be a lot of loss to surroundings and noise. To overcome that the hardware was developed that modulates and demodulates the data and send them in specific frequency which stays untouched from other external noise. It is similar to the fact that when there is some wave flowing which we cannot hear or see we cannot identify or alter the wave similarly modulated waves travels in their own frequency which is not altered by any of the existing waves that can create noise otherwise. The medium in earlier days was wired medium like optical fibres and satellites which makes the job of sending and receiving the waves. The data is encrypted, divided into packets, modulated and send to destination computer and which is there demodulated, assembled and decrypted to be read. In large scale it may look a bit difficult but technologically it is very much feasible and the result we can see all around.

But how does the computers and internet come into thought of people. There were talks that the first idea of a computer came from human brain only in which the device is developed mostly taking idea from the brain and resembles a lot of it’s parts similar to those in brain. 

Later slowly once the internet came to picture it was mostly used in some countries but later it’s reach was made to increase till date to almost all places be it remote or mega cities and it have become an important part of people lives. This is the role of technology that has become an integral part of human lives today and are affecting it every now and then. Be it today for banking, transportation, specialized software, marketplaces, networking or anything else. But anything that has been developed always has some it’s disadvantages be it nuclear power or political laws etc. the internet too possess similar flaws and the cyber attacks are the possibility due to those flaws which though totally is dependent on individual systems developed or used by people rather the whole internet. Though internet doesn’t provide any higher level of protection as a whole to these frauds and scams. But there had been security measures though as the internet is modifying and improving itself same is the cyber attackers so it always stays a who go ahead in the battle.

But as a whole the internet has changed the lives and lifestyle of the whole of the world and has become a integral part of today’s life of people.

These pieces are being published as they have been received – they have not been edited/fact-checked by ThePrint.


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