Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Reshaping lives and empowering the Transgender community


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L iteracy India is doing some path-breaking work with the Trans community in the Hebbel Area, Bangalore. Investing in education is fundamental for development and growth. Individuals thrive on essential livelihood skills, and education is one that has the power to change the world. And yet, it has turned out to be a privilege that not everyone can afford. Programs of Literacy India are all inclusive and they remain pro-active in educating and empowering underserved communities. Imparting education and skill is quint-essential for any Indian for its economy to get better.

June saw a lot of social action and media activity for the LGBTQ community. There were “pride” marches and other events focusing on the community covered by the media.

However, in our everyday life, we avoid the community, especially the transgenders. Our first reaction is to move on as soon as possible. People are uncomfortable talking about them, let alone talking to them.

Backed by Corporate Clifford Chance India Project, Literacy India has initiated short-term skill development courses like Stitching, Dressmaking, and Basic Computer Skills in the 1st phase. Currently, 15 students have enrolled under the project. They live within a 10 -15 KM radius of the Project location. Named “Literacy India Project TRANS-FRIENDS”, the focus is on inclusion and empowerment of the transgender community, taking one step at a time. The plan is to provide support for placement in Corporates or start Small Businesses after successful completion of the course.

The project was conceived when Literacy India volunteers were distributing food packets during the COVID-19 pandemic. They saw and realized that this community was affected more. They were marginalized with the additional burden of the social stigma and had no means of earning. When approached by the volunteers working with the community, Literacy India started the skill development course for the Transgenders. The response was positive.

Capt. Indraani Singh, Founder, Literacy India, said Volunteers like Sonali Singh, Immanuel and Radhika who were helping people in the community during Covid made sure to draw our attention towards the transgender community in Bengaluru, and we too felt if given right kind of skill, could make their lives better. We thank them for the collaboration and promise to do more in times to come.

Immanuel P is the Founder of Act of Love Social Organization & Professional Cyber Security Consultant who initiated the project with Literacy India. As per Immanuel “trans- community is often subject to discrimination, and due to a lack of opportunities they mostly work in the informal and entertainment sector, leaving them even more vulnerable, at risk and experiencing a great deal of sexual violence and physical abuse. Our intervention may bring change in their life’s, ensure that isolated communities become self-sufficient in improving their health, economic and social needs.”

Volunteer Ms. Radhika H Pandey works in an MNC as a Senior Analyst volunteering with project. As told by Ms. Radhika “I am very privileged to get to volunteer for this project.  I am able to understand their pain and happiness after connecting with them and trying to motivate that they are also part of our society.”

Nidhi, 30 years old trans friend, is a postgraduate and is learning basic computer skills at the centre. Nidhi is from Mysore and had to leave her home at the age of 15 as her family had not accepted her. She had to beg at traffic signals to make a living and was very embarrassed but had no other option. She got used to that lifestyle slowly.

Covid affected them as well and she and her friends wanted to improve their lot by learning some skills. She is now learning Dressmaking as well as basic Computer Skills and is very enthusiastic. She hopes to get a job or start a Small Business.

Another beneficiary at the Centre, Premlata is a 30-year-old learning Computer & Dressmaking. She hopes to start her business some day and Literacy India plans to supports with soft loans to kick start businesses like it does to many other beneficiaries under Karigari Program

Transgenders have been an integral part of both Indian and International history and mythology but it is unclear if they were treated equally then also.

Till the recent past, equal rights for Transgenders were unheard of, and society was not concerned. When a Transgender baby is born, the family does not or cannot keep them in their house even if they want to. These children generally do not get the opportunity to educate themselves, and employment was impossible. No one would employ them, even though they were educated. Thus, they were compelled to earn their living as sex workers or by begging, dancing, etc. Films, also, depict them in a negative light. In the last few years, there has been some positive traction. Recent judgments by the honourable Indian courts have somewhat increased their social acceptance. However, now, despite all the awareness campaigns, legalities, and social media acceptability, transgenders remain an avoidable lot to the people.

Literacy India was established in 1996 as a non-profit organization with the primary objective of providing education, employ-enablement and empowerment to vulnerable communities.

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