Monday, June 17, 2024

Making mistakes in real estate marketing? This Sky marketing article lists the dos and don’ts


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As a developer of sales strategies through promotions and campaigns, you must be constantly updated on trends and news. In this sense, being right also implies not making mistakes or committing voluntary mistakes. Do you want your agency or your services as a real estate agent to make a difference compared to your competitors? In this Sky marketing article, we will see what are the common mistakes made in real estate marketing.

The one who makes more mistakes loses

In a soccer analogy, a goalkeeper is not asked to contain every shot, but to not put those balls that go outside into the goal. In tennis, it is known that not only the one who gets the most hits will win the game, but also the one who gets the least wrong. If we talk about marketing, the same thing happens. The one who makes the most mistakes, then simply loses. And this is not a whimsical concept at all.

It occurs because the competition in the real estate sector is so fierce that the error in sales strategies that you make will be taken advantage of by competitors, without lifting a single finger. It will be enough for him not to be committing it to make a strategic difference with you. Without being too complex a task, you must be careful not to create problems where they do not exist, either due to lack of attention or organization.

There is always time

It is estimated that today, more than 95 per cent of real estate service contracts are based on searches through the Internet. You would have experienced on more than one occasion that a Google link leads to an offline site. These blunders may not be a lethal factor for your services, but they should be minimised to zero.

The explanation of the developers to this type of common mistakes in real estate marketing is usually the lack of time. Well, you should know what time there is always; perhaps what is failing is planning. Often you will be in a hurry to attend an interview with a prospective client, to later display a property, and finally answer a series of urgent messages on your voicemail to answer sudden questions from an anxious owner. The calendar can be your best friend in these cases.

The calendar does not bite

At the moment you do not have a person who is in charge of resisting the daily attacks? Successful, rising real estate agents have a hard time understanding that keeping an eye out for these mistakes is part of their job, as vital as displaying a home properly. The “planner” position is not for everyone. But if you knew that all this could be solved simply by appealing to the use of the calendar on your mobile, or by monitoring a blackboard in your office … Would you still think in the same way?

Common mistakes in real estate marketing

Marketing strategies must be exploited to the fullest. Its fundamental goals lie in attracting clients, it is true. But they must also (and simultaneously) fully show the quality standard offered by your agency or your real estate service. Let’s see then a series of small tips that will be of great help when it comes to staying in the tough and overcrowded daily competition, as well as their solutions:

Are your posts incomplete or overloaded?

We said that almost all people interested in buying, selling, or renting a property, start this operation by searching the internet. For this, achieving a good positioning is essential. But, already close to reaching the place that you think your services should occupy, you must also know how to distinguish between an incomplete publication and one overloaded with information. Thus, the ads you publish should be as effective as possible.

This can only be achieved through an adequate description of the property. The data provided must always be relevant and never superfluous. To do this, consider the geographical area, the destination of the property (for example, vacation rental, habitual residence, or work plant), and some other important detail.

Is your website complex or so heavy that it doesn’t flow properly?

The client is searching. Your web platform is the first meeting point. So … Are there problems navigating it correctly and smoothly? Ask your web developer to use all possible implements so that the figures you use are of the highest quality, occupying the least space in the memory of the most powerful browsers. Show the fundamentals on your home page and do not redound in texts, which perhaps in their excessive length may be badly tabulated on some device.

Your website is your right hand. Make it a worthy and beautiful place to see, where the future prospect can feel comfortable and attracted at the same time. “Why should I hire this agent?” Ask yourself the question of every potential client as a question and solve it through a light, minimalist and agile interface.

How is the agency across the street managed?

Neglecting the zonal market (the closest, the neighborhood) is one of the most common mistakes in real estate marketing. It is also the first that real estate agents often make after their first battles won. Know the status of each and every one of your competing agencies. This does not mean that you become a top-secret spy; it will simply be convenient that you do not lose sight of their strategies, appraisals, and movements.

Being left behind in the local competition, for wanting to “take a leap” interzonal, is a mistake that can cost a correct operation. Losing against neighboring agencies will be a difficult match to come back from in the foreseeable future. In addition, not losing track of them will generate a better and more virtuous competition.

Do you discard out-of-trend tools?

Being one hundred per cent updated in your marketing strategies is key. But this does not imply forgetting or moving away from the tools that, despite looking old or rusty, can continue to bring you good results. Being attentive to our email boxes, telephone message boxes or comments on our blogs or contact forms is a wise move and will be so in several years.

Do you think that there are many people (perhaps probable clients) who will not be aware of the latest technological upgrades? The fact that you do need to know about these advances does not include future prospects. They may not be interested at all in knowing which social network has been positioning itself, they just want to sell, buy or rent a property.

Share your experiences

After reading this post, we are very interested in knowing your opinion. If you want to share it with us, you can do so in the “Comments” section of our blog.

If you find yourself in a situation that you cannot solve on your own, do not hesitate to go to Oi Realtor. A team of professionals will be at your disposal and will help you throughout the process. We are waiting for you!

(ThePrint ValueAd Initiative content is a paid-for, sponsored article. Journalists of ThePrint are not involved in reporting or writing it.)


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