Thursday, September 19, 2024
TopicTarksheel Society

Topic: Tarksheel Society

Indian atheists fight community, courts, caste. Tricky balance between culture & religion

According to the 2011 Census, more rural than urban-dwelling people identified as ‘religion not stated’ or ‘non-religious’.

On Camera

Jaswant Singh kept bullets from IC814 in his office. With a sign that read ‘Lest we forget’

Every day of the hijacking, my father was woken up at midnight by a call from wife of a crew member. He’d sit on the bed, listening to her crying every night.

India’s growth engines have moved from north to south, with states like Karnataka & AP in driver’s seat

A working paper, published by Economic Advisory Council to PM, shows that UP & Bihar used to be ‘powerhouses’ of India’s economy around 60 yrs ago, but that's no longer the case.

MQ-9B surveillance drone leased from US lost at sea after technical glitch as deal awaits final nod

The Navy had leased two MQ-9B drones in 2020. India is in the process of acquiring 31 Remotely Piloted Aircraft of different types from the US.

BJP’s Northeast policy has lit new fires & reopened old wounds. And it still won’t blink

Manipur represents BJP’s unique ideological approach to governing Northeast by playing identity politics jiu-jitsu. It hasn’t gone well yet, is getting worse, but the party insists on continuing.