Thursday, September 12, 2024
TopicSolar Capital

Topic: Solar Capital

ISA is rallying investors toward solar funding initiatives in Africa—will partner with Africa50

International Solar Alliance’s model to elevate solar deployment worldwide is to focus on public-private partnerships and international collaboration.

On Camera

Who really runs India’s policy? The dangerous grip of sarkar-bazaar nexus

Private actors who do not conform to the government’s vision risk having their work discredited or, in some cases, facing criminal charges and being labelled as ‘anti-national’.

Data on unpaid labour divides economists. But they agree on one thing: real wages have stagnated

India’s employment data flawed, argues economist Santosh Mehrotra, citing unpaid family labour & sectoral shifts. UFL falling as share in total workforce, counters Surjit Bhalla.

Centre operationalises 220 kV Srinagar-Leh Line to connect Ladakh border areas with National Grid

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said Wednesday that transmission infrastructure in NE states is also being strengthened, adding that govt is ‘fully committed’ towards border development.

You can put words in Mrs Gandhi’s mouth & get away. But too much fiction, and you mess with Bhindranwale

The IC-814 and Emergency controversies show we are still too thin-skinned to accept anything but deification of our leaders, biopics or biographies. This runs across the subcontinent.