Thursday, June 20, 2024

Topic: Mangoes

How Pakistani chaunsa bonded with Indian kesar mango tree at Pune’s Peace Hill Garden

The grafting of Pakistani chaunsa mango tree with Indian kesar variety in Pune's Peace Hill Garden is more just a horticultural marvel. It will bear the 'fruit of unity'.

Look beyond Alphonso—Banganapalli to Totapuri, South Indian mangoes thrive in local markets

Banganapalli, Mallika, Totapuri, Moovandan, Malgova, Amlet, Panchadara Kalasa mangoes contribute to a thriving market in Karnataka, Kerala Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.

No jardalu for President, PM this year as Nitish ‘halts mango diplomacy’ for 1st time since 2007

JD (U) says it is unaware of the development. BJP attributes halt to CM Nitish Kumar’s 'bitterness' towards PM Narendra Modi. The two parties split again last year.

Why it’s raining mangoes in Mumbai — ‘bumper crop, highest supply in 5 yrs’

Mumbai Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) has reported 3 times the influx of mangoes this March, as compared to same period last year. But things may change next month.

Have you been waiting for the mango season to kick in? We have some bad news

Soaring temperatures & low rainfall have hit mango production hard in India. In Gujarat, a 10-kg crate that cost Rs 400-600 last year is selling at Rs 1,100-1,450.

In 1955, India tried ‘mango diplomacy’ with China. The outcome wasn’t really sweet

In 1955, India dispatched eight mango saplings to China—and it was more than just a gesture of appreciation.

As India’s mango exports to US resume, traders hope ‘smoother’ pre-clearance measures will help

Mango exports to US are restarting after 2 years, because Covid stopped US officials from coming for pre-clearance. Govt bodies say Indian officials will now clear consignments.

Yediyurappa’s resignation was inevitable. Hopefully, the focus will now be back on governance

ThePrint view on the most important issues, instantly.

First lockdown, then cyclone — it’s a rotten season for mango trade in Gujarat, Maharashtra

Heavy wind and rainfall caused by the cyclone destroyed mango orchards across Maharashtra and Gujarat. This is estimated to cause a loss of over Rs 500 crore. 

No juice in alphonso again, 50% price fall makes second wave worse for Maharashtra farmers

Mango farmers say they are not only dealing with a crash in domestic demand, but exports have taken a sharp dip in face of flight restrictions. Grape farmers are looking at raisins for relief.

On Camera

People who use food to show off imagined moral superiority aren’t just wrong but also idiots

The notion of food purity is essentially an offshoot of the even more offensive idea of caste purity. And it really has no place in today’s India.

Unorganised, non-farm sector employs 19% of workforce but accounts for 6% of GDP, shows MoSPI data

With the agriculture sector employing 45% of the workforce but accounting for only 15% of GDP, it confirms that two-thirds of India’s workforce engages in low-productivity work.

China does a Galwan in South China Sea, Coast Guard carries spears and knives

Pictures had emerged of Chinese soldiers carrying rifles and iron rods with machete-like heads in the vicinity of India’s forward locations on the southern bank of Pangong Tso in 2020.

Sangh wants BJP to know it’s not dispensable. It’s a rap on the knuckles, nothing more

Occasional lovers’ tiffs have marked history of RSS-BJP relations. To think that Nagpur will bring about any change in leadership is a misreading of both its intent and its power.