Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Topic: China

Making sense of Xi slap

Timed perfectly with Xi’s arrival in Ahmedabad was that of nearly a 1,000 PLA soldiers in Ladakh’s Chumar area. There is a pattern to China’s actions: it is testing India’s resolve.

Them and US

It would be an error to see in US envoy Richard Holbrooke’s uncharacteristic near-apology a vindication of India’s rising power. It is, though, indicative of the rise of a new & weakening America.

Opportunity, made in China

The real threat against China lies in our minds, collectively, in our approach to it. National power and pride are no longer determined merely in terms of territorial size or integrity.

A new project Pakistan

India must engage with the rest of the world in search for that new creative solution which may, ultimately, be a variant of the earlier one, except Pakistan does not have a Musharraf equivalent.

Chinese checkers

China could be our threat number one, but it is more likely to threaten us with more plastic toys aimed at our markets than Dong Feng missiles zeroing in on Raisina Hill.

On Camera

India needs a new decentralisation—let politicians manage people, experts handle policies

In civil servant-run Gram Panchayats, spending is 62 per cent more strongly correlated with men's preferences than women's. These representation gaps widen when politicians allocate spending.

10 yrs of ‘Make in India’ & the manufacturing sector is back to where it was in 2013-14

Govt launched 'Make in India' on 25 Sept 2014 to make India manufacturing hub. On its 10th anniversary, PM Modi said it illustrates 'collective resolve of 140 crore Indians'.

A fitness & fighter aircraft enthusiast, who is Air Marshal AP Singh, the next Chief of Air Force

Air Marshal Amar Preet Singh will take over as chief on 30 September. During his service of nearly 40 yrs, he has served in variety of command, staff, instructional & foreign appointments.

Lesson from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan: if you have no patience, you don’t deserve democracy

Sri Lankan transition was smoothly managed. Check Bangladesh for contrast. They forced their incumbent into exile, installed a mostly unelectable govt of non-political people.