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Ignorant lefties waving the Constitution are basically saying there was no India before 1950

The lefties are passing on to their comrades-in-arms the subliminal message that there was no civilisation, no society, no culture before 26 January 1950. But India and Indians created the Constitution, not the other way around.

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In recent times, on TV, we can see many people waving pocket editions of the Indian Constitution. At first, I thought of this as a comical gesture. In fact, I was reminded of punters at Mahalakshmi Racecourse in Mumbai who wander around with little booklets providing details of horses, jockeys, owners, trainers, and handicaps for all the races of the day. These punters waving their booklets also look like entertaining clowns. So, what exactly are these Constitution-wavers (trust that is a valid hyphenated word in the language of our erstwhile rulers!) up to?

If they were just providing comic relief, we could let it pass as one more example of puerile leftism. This is especially the case when political parties in an alliance that includes the Communist Party of India Marxist-Leninist are claiming to support constitutional democracy. They have not read Marx or Lenin, both of whom were critical of bourgeois democracy. When the Petrograd Soviet set out to destroy Russia’s only imaginative constitution in centuries, the hapless Kerensky was forced to find out that he was foolishly and pathetically trying to defend obsolete bourgeois ideas. To even remotely think that Chairmen who believe that power stems from the barrel of a gun would support a constitution is to live in a world of fantasy.

Why then are these ignorant and misguided lefties waving pocket constitutions in a farcical manner? What is their agenda? Remember Gramsci; remember the Frankfurt School; remember Pol Pot? Lefties always have an agenda. A friend of mine who likes to speak in an oblique, indirect manner said to me: “Think of 26 January 1950”. Given my limited intellect, it took me time to understand before hitting the Eureka moment. Of course, that is it!! The lefties are passing on to their comrades-in-arms the subliminal message that there was no India before 26 January 1950. No civilisation, no society, no culture, nothing. If there was something, it was worthless, hierarchical, misogynistic, homophobic, exploitative, oppressive, and so on. To them, the Constitution is much more than a good political document of great historical significance. The Constitution, in fact, establishes India which just did not exist before. Only the JNU historians knew it all along. Thinkers like Vivekananda, Aurobindo, and Bhandarkar were wrong. Historians like Radha Kumud Mukherji should be discounted. Poets like Bharati and Kuvempu can be discarded. Even foreign scholars like AL Basham and John Keay should be ignored.

Now one begins to understand not only why these folks wave pocket constitutions like a Vidhushaka in a traditional drama, but why they have negative views regarding the Sengol. If we concede that the Sengol is valuable, then we have to implicitly concede that our civilisation had a valuable presence before 1950, and that simply will not do. Of course, the eminent Pakistani historian IH Qureshi (an eminent alumnus of the eminent St Stephen’s College, which has produced many eminent lefties) has eminently argued that Pakistan was actually founded in the Indian subcontinent in 712 AD. But we can not-so-eminently park that argument for now.

Also read: Why is India’s Left backing farmers’ protests? It’s a kulak agitation

Sengol, the forgotten ‘stick’ 

Samajwadi Party MP RK Chaudhary from Uttar Pradesh (which the inveterate Raj-lover in me believes should ideally be referred to as the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh) has argued that the Sengol is a symbol of monarchy and therefore inappropriate in Parliament. Apparently, it properly belongs in a museum where it was ensconced and forgotten until recently. Let us digress a bit and understand this museum episode. In 1947, Mountbatten and Rajagopalachari discussed what would be an appropriate gesture to symbolise the transition of power. Rajaji talked to the Swami who headed the ancient Thiruvaduthurai Adheenam. The Swami commissioned a jeweller in Madras (now Chennai!) to fashion a Sengol. Mountbatten ceremonially handed over the Sengol to Jawaharlal Nehru.

Now just watch how the diabolical lefties operate. No socialist NCERT text was allowed to mention the Sengol. It was conveniently forgotten. The fact that Rajaji, the translator of the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Tirukkural, and the Bhaja Govindam, and the head of the Thiruvaduthurai Adheenam had come up with an imaginative gesture that stretched back to our autochthonous identity was suppressed by active and passive indifference. The biased lefty curator of the museum in Allahabad (now Prayagraj) catalogued it as a “stick”. There were Tamil writings on this “stick”. It is inconceivable that the curator could not have found any Tamilians in Allahabad (Prayagraj) in 1947 who could have helped him catalogue the “stick” in a better manner. He just did not bother to. He did not think it worthwhile. We need a modern Sherlock Holmes to investigate whether the curator was a closet Communist of the Marxist-Leninist variety. As a betting man, I am willing to put up a few rupees on that.

The forgotten “stick” is brought out of the museum of a dead past of what lefties tell us is a non-existent civilisation and is treated as a Sengol should be treated. And that act evokes criticism and disdain. The MP from UP who thinks the Sengol is a symbol of monarchy should talk to Kanimozhi who, to her credit, referred to the fact that Pandyan Sengols existed during the Sangam era when the Silappadikaram was written. Despite Kanimozhi’s sensible intervention, why is the DMK cold about the Sengol? Aha! Therein lies a tale. The DMK has opposed the “viral disease” known as Sanatana Dharma as an ideology of hierarchical Brahmin traditions. The fact is that the Adheenams are not Brahmin institutions. Their founders and their heads hail from multiple castes and communities. The DMK is loath to concede that the Adheenams have heroically preserved pristine traditions of the Sanatana Dharma, which today so many lefties of so-called Brahmin descent despise.

I am a great fan of the Adheenams. I need to narrate some anecdotes. Some years ago, a friend and I were visiting the Tiruveettanam temple, which is near Panruti in the South Arcot district of Tamil Nadu. This temple was originally controlled by an Adheenam and is now controlled by the Tamil Nadu government. Outside the temple, the Adheenam still maintains a small establishment. There were two Adheenam members on the outer pyol of the building. They told me that they had been to Kashi a dozen times. They had also been to Kedarnath and Pashupatinath. Clearly, Adheenams support and sustain a cultural rubric that spans all of India. This must profoundly irritate the DMK ideologues who emphasise multiple identities over an Indian one. If you visit the large establishment that the Dharmapuram Adheenam maintains in T Nagar in Chennai, you will be astonished to see how many Bhakti publications are available. You can find the Tirumurais; anthologies of the Thevaram Padigams; and works of Arunagirinathar, Tayumaanavar, and many others.

The DMK has pushed the narrative that there was so-called secular Sangam literature and then we skipped over centuries to land on modern atheist literature. Apart from the fact that it is unclear, except to foolish post-modernists, that there was anything remotely secular about Sangam literature, the entire range of Bhakti Pasurams and Padigams, which constitute the luminous glory of Tamil literature, gets ignored. But then despite official socialist textbooks ignoring Appar, Sundarar, Gnanasambandar, and Manikkavasagar, the Adheenam continues to publish and propagate their works in an intrepid manner. And readers of these books will get to know that Manikkavasagar, probably the greatest of our poets, were immigrants to the Pandya kingdom, once again attesting to an umbrella Indian civilisation that predated 1950. Again, lefties who are intent on asserting that India is not an organic union must be getting worked up.

Also read: The idea of a new Constitution is extremely dangerous. India doesn’t want dictatorship

Preserving the sacred

Fortunately for us, in Tamil Nadu there are still quite a few large, ancient temples that are not under government control, but which are managed by Adheenams. My personal experience is that many temples outside large cities and towns that are with the government do not have big crowds. The fabulous sculptures on the walls and pillars have acquired a museum-like quality about them. Many (certainly not all) Adheenam temples are crowded, vibrant, and buzzing with energy. They are not museums at all. They are living centres celebrating the sacred. I can think of at least three temples (two in the Chola territories and one in the Pandyan region) of considerable antiquity that are not in large towns. Vaitheeswaran Koil is one such temple, which is practically bursting with bhaktas every day. Recently I was there, and I had the privilege of watching one of the Swamijis of the Adheenam quietly make a round. He stopped at every shrine, and he gave the impression that he was in a state of mystic communion. He smiled at us, and we too felt touched by his sense of equipoise.

Tirupperunthurai in Avudaiyarkoil village is another such temple. Tamil schoolchildren should know that it was built by Manikkavasagar, but I have a feeling that atheist lefty ideology ensures that the children are kept ignorant. On a visit to this temple, which has brilliant sculptures, we were lucky to encounter a festive celebration. The nadaswaram artistes were excellent. I requested them to play raga Kharaharapriya. That is when I realised that this raga should be heard inside a large, energised temple, not in an air-conditioned concert hall. The nadaswaram players in government temples tend to be sedate and distracted. Perhaps the Adheenams just pay their artistes more and treat them better. The Amritaghateswarar temple, which is generally known as the Abirami temple, is another one. It buzzes with energy and the sense of the sacred is quite touching. Of course, some bigoted believers actually experience the presence of the great Goddess. But of course, they must be opium-addicted reactionaries.

That establishes another reason why the Sengol should be disliked. The Adheenams are tirelessly working to preserve our traditions that are suffused with the sacred. Anything that is sacred has to be an opiate. Has the Master not said so? And if it is a sacred spirit that is indigenous to the soil and stubble of India, then it must be bigoted and bad. And an Adheenam guru had the Sengol made in 1947. Therefore, the Sengol must be dismissed as a mere “stick”. One wonders if the Allahabad (Prayagraj) curator thought of it as a bigoted bourgeois “stick” or as something else.

Let me conclude this meandering essay on pocket constitutions, Adheenams, and the Sengol. Let me just state that India existed before 1950. In fact, India has existed for millennia before 1950. India and Indians created the Constitution, not the other way around. We must be grateful to Rajagopalachari, the Guru of the Thiruvaduthurai Adheenam, the Swamijis of all the Adheenams and, oddly enough, to Lord Mountbatten that our ancient sacred symbol (not a “stick”) has been bequeathed to us as a reminder of the persistent presence of our enduring culture. We must also congratulate the present dispensation for giving the Sengol prominence and providing an opportunity for our children to engage positively with our traditions and culture. One hopes that as they cram up on the Sengol, they learn a thing or two about India that is worthwhile.

Jaithirth Rao is an entrepreneur and an investor. Views are personal.

(Edited by Prashant)

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  1. Haha this is vintage Jerry….the lefties in the comments of the article are coping and seething as it accurately depicts the state of mind of our mini-Indian pol pots and aspiring Indian chairman Maos for whom India started in 1950.
    Infamous as they are for CUT-COPY-PASTE ideologies and policies, with little to no imagination, even this Idea of ‘India being born on 1950’ is straight out of post-war Germany.
    Because if India is a creation of a dynasty or a family only then can we have titles like “Father/Chacha/Damaad of the nation”.
    Also, since we have a new found love for the constitution then can we have the original one please, as it was made in 1950?

  2. Finally, a good response to Entitled ELITISTS, masquerading as LEFTISTS who can save the Constitution and the country. It’s IRONIC that the Grandson of the PM, who suspended Constitution and imposed Emergency, is waving the Constitution. During UPA, the UnConstitutional NAC (National Advisory Council) headed by CONgress President with UNELECTED members were Running the Government with a Puppet PM !! And NO ONE BLINKED ANY EYE !!!! And with Modiji winning a 3rd Term for BJP has rattled the BOOTLICKERS OF DYNASTY so much that they are SPEWING VENOM CONTINOUSLY after losing the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections!!!

  3. All the comments down below are gold, very illuminating. I didn’t read this rant because it seemed irrelevant from very first few paras.

    Also Vivekananda was no Thinker. He was a sentimental hot head. Who had nothing scientific and rational in his head. His pride, i.e. ego, cannot fill the stomach of Indians. All his ideas originated from only one thing: his inferiority complex. So they are of little use to a common man. So they did’t last.

    Plato and Aristotle and Aryabhatta were real thinkers whose thoughts were not obsessed with human made boundaries, and thus helped whole of humanity and are everlasting.

  4. Mr Rao does not understand the spirit of the modern Indian republic, its pluralistic, inclusive nature. As I understand it, his argument is: “This particular culture I like is great! It should be taught and respected, so I support putting a symbol of this culture in the most important building of the Republic”. But his culture is not the only culture in India, and if everyone starts putting up an artefact of their favourite culture, the Lok Sabha will become a museum.

    What he fails to realise is that the Indian Constitution supports the diversity of cultures. It protects his favourite culture as well as other traditions, old and new. So I don’t think any display of support for the Constitution is invalid, whether it’s RaGa waving it or Modi putting his head on it.

    I find Mr Rao’s rant about ‘leftists’ quite unhinged. There is not much coherent logic to the claim that ‘leftists’ are against his (or, by extension, India’s old) culture. This is a recurring debate in every part of the world because when conservatives do not like scholarly historical findings they label it a leftist agenda and continue to believe their version of history.

    I understand that symbolism is power, and the Indian Republic is bathed in symbols of the Ashokan Empire because that was the favourite culture of India’s founding politicians. But a nation needs a founding myth, and the Republic of India is somewhat aligned in values with the Ashokan Empire, which (I would remind Mr Rao) existed before 1950.

  5. Hi “Righty”

    According to you Lefties always have an agenda….so what is your agenda as a Righty? ……Sengol will give us food on the table.?…Yes we had a glorious past, we are proud of it, that was then…. what is now, we are “rule of law country”…we are Mother of Democracy…we changed from monarchy to democracy and our new Sengol is the Constitution….. You write like a neutral centrist, trying hard to hide your extreme right leanings.

  6. How does ThePrint allow articles with titles such as “Ignorant Lefties”?

    I’ll tell you who is ignorant, Jaithirth. Crony capitalistic Sanghis like you are the largest threat to the Indian republic since Independence. People like you know nothing of Indian or Hindu values under the garb of Hindutva that you wear. I hope you’re at least getting paid in millions by your masters in Delhi for all the propagandistic garbage that you write.


  7. Because current regime made Indian believe that India came into existence in 2014, Gandhi ji got famous after its movie in 1982, India never responded to aggression from neighbouring countries before surgical strike.

    Also, ask those BJP leaders who started justifying the need of 400 ke paar like changing constitution, amending reservations, ensuring Babri mosque does not get rebuilt, so on and do forth.

    When PV Narsimharao can bring historic reforms in 1991 with minority Government, how a Government with majority of 300 seats falling short of aspirations of a common man?

    Stop polarisation political spectrum in leftist, rightist and centralist…!

    Your entire article is rubbish and bullshit


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