The escalating conflict in El Fasher, West Darfur, has caused a significant displacement of civilians, a UNICEF press release stated.

The disruption of basic services, including water and healthcare, is having a devastating impact on the thousands of children who rely on them for survival.
The conflict over the Golo water reservoir, which serves as a primary water source for over 270,000 people in the city and nearby communities, is putting it at a high risk of being damaged or destroyed. This could lead to families and children being cut off from safe and adequate water, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases.
Children suffering from acute malnutrition and weakened immune systems will be particularly vulnerable.
UNICEF has urged all parties to adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian law and immediately cease all attacks on or near critical civilian infrastructure, including water systems and facilities, hospitals, health centres, and schools.
Access to safe drinking water and healthcare is essential for the survival and recovery of children, and it must not be denied.