New Delhi: According to a report by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Tirupati is the 8th cleanest city in India for cities with a population of more than 1 lakh. The city’s population is 2.3 million, and the annual collection of garbage is about 115 tonnes.The city has achieved a 5-star Garbage Free City (GFC) and Water plus rating, according to the report.
The report says that Tirupati has prioritized robust waste management, and all waste collected is scientifically processed.The city employs nearly 1,000 sanitation workers, and has installed 3 Bio Chest machines at three different locations. The city also has 6 decentralised waste processing facilities that work at 3 major markets and 3 gardens, which helps in reducing the burden on centralized plants.
Apart from this, the city also plans to establish a 60-ton capacity C&D waste management facility in Thukivakam to handle construction and demolition waste. The city has also reclaimed 25.65 acres of land after the processing of waste, which was previously burdened with 2 lakh tonnes of waste.
The Tirupati Municipal Corporation has also taken steps to enable door-to-door waste collection service, and has installed an Online Waste Management System (OWMS) with RFID technology for real-time door-to-door waste collection tracking.The city says that this system, along with dedicated sanitation efforts, has ensured 100% collection rate from all gates.
Perhaps a team from Ayodhya could visit Tirupati, study how they do such a good job of maintaining a temple town. Also the dynamics of running the Trust which receives substantial donations.