Monday, September 30, 2024
HomeSG National Interest

SG National Interest

Running debate

Nobody has won as many international races as Milkha Singh did. But Indian athletics is not a solitary-star story.

The deformists

While Congress subverted and then totally overwhelmed our political economy, BJP’s intellectually bankrupt response raises serious questions on its claims as our second largest party.


Congress knows it cannot repeat its 2009 performance. It simply does not have a track record. So what do you do if you know you cannot win?

Body politics

Irrespective of which side you are on, you would have to admit that a fake encounter would always be illegal. That's where we start to get into problems.

The chief in chief minister

Bihar CM Nitish Kumar has attracted the many backward castes, while embracing the BJP and its upper caste voters, and yet comforting the Muslims, and in the process devastating Lalu Prasad.

Modi versus his party

For a party that eschewed the personality cult, & where the senior-most leaders were addressed as 'poojniya', Modi's projection as an almighty conquistador is remarkable.

The final accommodation

There is no final solution to any violent conflict in a democracy other than through talks just as there is no such thing as a final military solution or a victorious insurgency.

The bleeding heartless

During its 9 years in power, the UPA has not been able to decide whether it is with itself, or against itself, on the Maoist insurgency issue.

The giant fix

BCCI cannot blame a mere individual nor rely on the old cynical and lazy notion that cash will solve all problems. It has to clean up not just the IPL, but itself.

For democracy and bijli, uninterrupted supply

For many in Pakistan, the only issue in this election, is power. Electricity crisis has become such an overwhelming symbol of misgovernance, it has put other vital issues in the shade.

On Camera

Tirupati controversy shows temples can’t run as public sector units. They must be privatised

A private temple could make crores by selling better laddus and investing in goshalas and captive production units to control quality.

After a brief surge, private investment & hiring has again turned cautious. Focus is on cutting debt

Financial year 2022-23 saw private investments & hiring surge, but since then firms are using cash to reduce debt. General elections didn’t help matters, either.

Air Marshal A.P. Singh takes over as IAF chief, task cut out

Air Chief Marshal Singh took over from incumbent V.R. Chaudhari Monday afternoon. His top priority will be strengthening the fighting capability of the IAF, it is learnt.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?