Friday, June 21, 2024
HomeNational Interest

National Interest

Azaadi to autonomy

If India wishes to unravel the complexities of Kashmir, constitutional autonomy is a pretty good starting point. The debate so far was dominated by people who never cared to understand the basic issues.

Bet and better

In a free market, betting is a perfectly honourable thing. In fact, betting enriches sport much the same way stock markets build economies.

The clear and present danger

Indians complain that the world looks at our region only in terms of the India-Pakistan hostility. Yet, we also cannot break out of that mindset.

Don’t feel abused

Having pragmatically won the world’s attention during the Kargil crisis, India now has to coolly assess the changed nuances of US policy, and understand the opportunity that lies ahead.

Subsidised to suffer

Subsidy trap is suicidal as it makes governments believe they are doing enough for farmers. It fools farmers & keeps agricultural input industry within licence-quota-subsidy vortex.

Kebabs and Kargil

A look into the mind of upper crust India — on the way it relates to Kashmir crisis, its understanding of Kargil war & its comprehension of the seriousness of military warfare.

Former CVC chief N Vittal's open list of civil servants facing corruption allegations shows it's silly to address question of corruption in bureaucracy in isolation of the system.

Your turn to strike, Mr Prime Minister

Facing a series of trade union protests, the choice for PM Vajpayee is clear — either go the Gujral/Gowda way by surrendering or the Maggie/Indira way & show some spunk.

On Camera

PM’s 100-day agenda may have to jettison core issues for coalition partners

Matters of defence and foreign policy are important, but the new government must address widespread discontent in the country. This begins with investing in the rural sector.

PM’s economic advisor asks if India needs a new poverty line, says multidimensional index not enough

Bibek Debroy, chairman of Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council, also suggested that analysing inequality at the state level might provide a clearer picture of inequality, as a national estimate could be misleading.

China does a Galwan in South China Sea, Coast Guard carries spears and knives

Pictures had emerged of Chinese soldiers carrying rifles and iron rods with machete-like heads in the vicinity of India’s forward locations on the southern bank of Pangong Tso in 2020.

Sangh wants BJP to know it’s not dispensable. It’s a rap on the knuckles, nothing more

Occasional lovers’ tiffs have marked history of RSS-BJP relations. To think that Nagpur will bring about any change in leadership is a misreading of both its intent and its power.