Thursday, June 27, 2024
HomeNational Interest

National Interest

Arvind Kejriwal’s start-up AAP is the political ‘Unicorn’ of the decade

AAP broke through entry barriers for newcomers in our politics — caste, ethnicity, ideology, dynasty — to establish itself as a Delhi party with all-India recognition.

It’s Indira Gandhi’s 1974 in India again, but Modi faces a harsh new reality

CAA-NRC-NPR has divided India like nothing in decades, and the world is disappointed, if not critical. The stakes for Modi are higher than for Indira Gandhi.

India’s new Muslim flaunts Tricolour, sings national anthem & isn’t afraid to look Muslim

At Jama Masjid, Muslims pronounced they are Indians first, rejecting the idea that someone can reimagine the basis of the Republic, just because he has majority.

Discovery of Pakistan – How Modi & Shah have dramatically re-hyphenated India with Pakistan

India invested 25 years after Cold War to de-hyphenate itself from Pakistan. Modi & Amit Shah have squandered those gains purely for domestic consumption.

Why CAB-plus-NRC fantasy is BJP’s next Ram Mandir-plus-Article 370 gambit

CAB-plus-NRC is an idea that’s dead-on-arrival. But it’s the BJP’s next Ram Mandir that will be used to polarise and expose the party’s rivals.

BJP could be shrinking politically but is winning big time ideologically

BJP is ruling fewer large, important states now but its big Hindutva ideas have won and face little opposition across the country.

Do Muslims matter for Modi-Shah BJP, or India?

Indian Muslims have been denied their rightful place in the power structure as punishment for their voting choices. This is self-defeating.

When enemy’s friend is your friend: Congress-NCP take a leaf out of BJP-Left book

Rahul Gandhi has failed multiple times and there seems no hope of a Congress recovery soon. In such a crisis, you clutch at any straw, no matter how saffron.

Imran Khan’s fantasy to revive Khalistan isn’t happening because Sikhs aren’t gullible

India isn’t made of porcelain. Kartarpur Sahib is open. It’s our moment of collective joy. Switch off that TV neurosis on the ‘return of Khalistan’.

Modi-Shah’s hyper-nationalism is making India insecure when it is actually most secure

India is now far too strong for anyone to push it around. That should’ve made us more secure, not get caught in old fears and insecurities.

On Camera

Arabs to Abyssinians, India was once a mercenary magnet—Russia war shows it has turned exporter

From New World Cuban mercenaries to South East Asian combatants, various linguistic groups are represented in the battlefields that divide Russia from Ukraine.

Department of Financial Services chairs review meeting with heads of Public Sector Banks

The meeting was also attended by senior executives of UIDAI, NABARD, SIDBI , Mudra Ltd. CERSAI & NCGTC.

Base price of Rafale agreed upon, fighters for Navy to have India-specific enhancements

Navy team has already visited Ambala air station where IAF has kept one squadron of Rafales to understand commonalities of maintenance that can be pursued.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.