Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Global Pulse

GLOBAL PULSE: More U.S. troops to Afghanistan is not “America First”, Asia’s ageing population & Google Maps on Durand Line

WILL TRUMP SEND MORE TROOPS TO AFGHANISTAN? The war in Afghanistan did not come up much during the U.S. presidential campaign, but it now threatens...

GLOBAL PULSE: Emmanuel Macron’s new, tougher election ahead, Angela Merkel finds unexpected support, and why can’t Trump and Hillary move on.

MACRON HAS ANOTHER ELECTION TO WIN Winning the French presidency was the easy bit. Emmanuel Macron has another bruising election to win in June.

GLOBAL PULSE: Trump’s new healthcare Bill, Europe is nervous about climate deal diplomacy and Obama’s French connection.

TRUMP’S NEW HEALTHCARE: REFORM OR DEBACLE? Donald Trump killed Obamacare, but his new healthcare legislation is not a reform but a debacle, some say.

GLOBAL PULSE: The “South Korea First” slogan, EU meddling in UK election, Melania Trump’s Twitter “Like”, and Trump is no authoritarian.

AFTER INDIA FIRST, AMERICA FIRST, IT’S SOUTH KOREA FIRST South Koreans are tired of being sandwiched by North Korea and the United States, and now want their country to stand up to their powerful allies and neighbours.

GLOBAL PULSE: Hillary is the new activist citizen, Trump goes soft on South China Sea, Unesco raps Israel and the political clout of British...

HILLARY CLINTON, THE ACTIVIST CITIZEN Hillary Clinton emerged from political hibernation calling herself “an activist citizen” and “part of the resistance” to Trump.

Global Pulse: Chemical attacks on Russian opponents, Trump embraces too many strongmen

MYSTERIOUS CHEMICAL ATTACKS ON RUSSIAN ACTIVISTS Activists and opponents of President Vladimir Putin continue to be targeted in mysterious attacks in Russia.

Global Pulse: ASEAN Warms Up To China, Trump Teaches Liberals To Hate and Political Activity Heats Up in Pakistan

GROWING WARMTH AMONG ASEAN NATIONS FOR CHINA The Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit this year was warmer toward China.

Global Pulse: China’s Blue Water Naval Ambition

Amid rising tensions in the region, China launched its first indigenously built aircraft carrier, expanding its fleet to two such vessels. China plans for a...

Global Pulse: Trump’s flip flop on Iran nuclear deal

Where exactly is Trump going with Iran, asked The New York Times. His administration is sending mixed messages. Trump called the nuclear deal that...

Global Pulse: The French Choice

In France, the choice cannot be starker on May 7th, the final day of voting – between Marine Le Pen who wants to shut...

On Camera

Deepika Padukone isn’t faking her pregnancy. Internet ‘critics’ need a refresher on biology

One of the comments on her recent picture, read: “She is not able to do the role of a pregnant woman properly”. It's a nasty cocktail of misogyny and an ignorance of basic human biology.

Noida International Airport, Delhi NCR’s 2nd, delayed. To begin operations by April 2025

According to a statement by the airport, commercial operations likely to begin next year 'in view of the current construction status'. It was supposed to commence operations by 2024 end.

India’s 15-yr quest for anti-tank missile: Israeli Spike, DRDO option, back to US for Javelin talks

Recent high-profile visit was of US National Security Adviser this month during which a number of key issues, including military cooperation, was discussed by both sides.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.