Sunday, May 19, 2024
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Global Pulse

Global Pulse: China censors news of Nobel Laureate’s death, Trump’s ‘friend’ goes missing and a welcome step in London

CHINESE DISSIDENT’S DEATH CENSORED ON SOCIAL MEDIA Lamentations following the death of Nobel laureate and political prisoner Liu Xiaobo Thursday were censored across mainland...

Global Pulse: FBI chief nominee faces heat, Brazil’s ex-President Lula convicted and Apple bends for China

FBI NOMINEE ASKED TO REBUKE TRUMP-RUSSIA CLAIMS BEFORE CONFIRMATION Confirmation hearings for FBI Director Nominee Christopher Wray dove head first into the most pressing American...

Trumps accused of treason, Sharif may have to go and girls’ will finally have PE in Saudi schools

OPPONENTS USE THE ‘T-WORD’ TO DESCRIBE RUSSIA CONNECTIONS In the wake of groundbreaking New York Times revelations that three top Trump campaign officials, including Donald Trump Jr.,...

GLOBAL PULSE: US govt seeks inputs from contractors on Afghanistan, why Chinese pre-schoolers go to the US and the best country for migrants

TRUMP ADMINISTRATION SEEKS INPUTS FROM BUSINESSMEN ON AFGHANISTAN In recent weeks, top advisers to U.S. President Donald Trump sought alternatives to the Defense Department plans...

Now Donald Trump Jr in trouble, Iraqi troops finally re-claim Mosul and top cardinal returns home to face sexual assault charges

DONALD TRUMP JR., PROMISED DAMAGING CLINTON INFO, MET WITH RUSSIAN LAWYER A bombshell New York Times report published Sunday revealed that Donald Trump Jr. agreed to meet a prominent Russian lawyer

GLOBAL PULSE: EU, Japan sign free trade deal, Niger army kills 14 civilians by mistake and Cyprus talks end in stalemate

EU AND JAPAN SIGN FREE TRADE PACT After four years of negotiations, the European Union and Japan agreed Thursday to create the world’s largest free trade zone.

GLOBAL PULSE: Majority back Trump’s travel ban, EU blamed for refugee deaths and attack on politicians in Venezuela

PRO-GOVERNMENT MILITIAS ATTACK VENEZUELAN CONGRESS On Venezuelan Independence Day Wednesday a group of pro-government militias attacked opposition politicians with sticks and metal bars outside the country’s congress.

GLOBAL PULSE: Martial law upheld in the Philippines, Qatar ups gas output and Mexican painter Jose Luis Cuevas dead

PHILIPPINES SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS MARTIAL LAW The Supreme Court of the Philippines overwhelmingly decided Tuesday to uphold President Rodrigo Duterte’s declaration of martial law in Mindanao

GLOBAL PULSE: The Jewish diaspora is angry with Netanyahu, Assad’s face is on a new currency note and some Iranians are loving Trump

NETANYAHU’S ORTHODOX POLITICS ANGERS  JEWISH DIASPORA Benjamin Netanyahu yielded to pressure from his ultra-Orthodox coalition partners and suspended a plan to provide a better space for...

GLOBAL PULSE: Trump’s latest tweet controversy, Qatar’s sanctions deadline extended and sex education in taxis

DONALD TRUMP TAKES DOWN CNN WITH A MEME If there was any doubt about Donald Trump being the most unique head of state there is...

On Camera

When Vajpayee spoke to CII to allay fears—Let not Gujarat violence cloud the good in economy

On 27 April 2002, then-PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee delivered a speech at the annual session of the Confederation of Indian Industry, assuring the completion of Golden Quadrilateral and telling businessmen how deep and strong the roots of Indian secularism are.

India’s GDP to grow at 6.9% in 2024 — UN agency revises its January projection of 6.2%

Latest report by UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs says global growth to be faster than estimated earlier & India’s 'robust performance' to boost South Asia’s growth.

With defence push, India looks to capture markets in Africa beyond western Indian Ocean

India’s defence sector is trying to penetrate the African market. But with China already extending significant influence, India must now play catch-up.      

Abki baar 90 paar for Congress? Why even 30 more seats will ruffle BJP

Discussion about outcome of Lok Sabha polls continues to boil in cauldron of expectations only from BJP. Now reverse this equation, what if we asked about the performance of the 'loser'?