Friday, July 5, 2024


‘Eco-shaming’ is on the rise, but does it work?

With increasing environmental activism, there's a new trend to call out people who pollute the planet.

Brazil’s president wants to deforest the Amazon, and the UN has few options to stop him

The Amazon is a crucial carbon sink, which makes responding to Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro's deforestation efforts a matter of international responsibility.

A 550 km-long mass of rotting seaweed is heading for Mexico’s beaches

It’s a bleak picture. Beaches ruined by deposits of foul-smelling, rotting seaweed are bad for tourism.

We went deep into remote Cambodian jungles to ensure rare Siamese crocodiles had enough food

Our only reliable indication of the crocodiles' diet came from scats (crocodile poo) collected along the river banks inhabited by remnant populations.

Planting trees to fight climate change is no sure solution

The risk in believing that just planting trees can fight climate changes is that it might mislead people into thinking we don’t need to cut emissions.

The world’s 2-billion-tonne garbage problem just got more alarming

Asian countries are rejecting tainted garbage from countries that export them. Those ships could now head to Africa, it is feared.

US military is a bigger polluter than 140 countries. The war machine has to be shrunk

US military consumes more liquid fuels and emits more climate-changing gases than most medium-sized countries.

You eat a credit card’s worth of plastic a week, finds research

People around the world are consuming about 5 grams of microplastic a week, and experts say there's no way to escape it.

Rhino, snow leopard, red panda — the endangered species Modi govt wants to protect

As part of its 5-year plan, Modi govt has identified other issues that need attention, including resolving man-animal conflict and eco-tourism policy.

How mangrove nurseries are changing the lives of Odisha women & the forest around them

For years, these women lost income, their health and nutrition suffered, and they found themselves ever more marginalised.

On Camera

Big ideas for Budget D-Day—jobs, skills and innovation should be the focal point

In her interim Budget speech in February, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had mentioned the need for industry-academia collaboration. This time, the Budget could give the initiative a bigger push.

Water stress inevitable, what steel & coal sectors can do to avoid looming crisis

11 of 15 major river basins in India to experience water stress by 2025. India’s major power grids depend on 14 major river basins, all of which are under ‘high water stress’.

India set to carry out trials for US-made Stryker combat vehicles in Ladakh & deserts

Army is looking to procure about 530 infantry combat vehicles to re-equip several mechanised infantry battalions. Talks between India & US are at an advanced stage, it is learnt.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.