Saturday, June 22, 2024
Home50-Word Edit

50-Word Edit

Supreme Court should focus on public good, not its authority

The 50-word Edit — ThePrint view on the most important issues, instantly. It is unbecoming of the Supreme Court to reprimand NRC & census officials for talking...

Farewell to a political giant who bridged regionalism & nationalism

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Modi govt’s moves on lynching mere politics of deception

The 50-word Edit — ThePrint view on the most important issues, instantly. The Modi government is resorting to bureaucratic responses and platitudes after the latest cow vigilante...

Now it’s Modi’s turn to show large-heartedness

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It’s time to say sorry, Nitish Kumar

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Supreme Court vindicates itself, but that’s not enough

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Need to applaud our heroes, or there won’t be any

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When will Modi defend Sushma Swaraj?

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The intellectual cleansing of Modi govt is now complete

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BJP didn’t have the audacity to make Kashmir alliance work

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On Camera

PM’s 100-day agenda may have to jettison core issues for coalition partners

Matters of defence and foreign policy are important, but the new government must address widespread discontent in the country. This begins with investing in the rural sector.

PM’s economic advisor asks if India needs a new poverty line, says multidimensional index not enough

Bibek Debroy, chairman of Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council, also suggested that analysing inequality at the state level might provide a clearer picture of inequality, as a national estimate could be misleading.

China does a Galwan in South China Sea, Coast Guard carries spears and knives

Pictures had emerged of Chinese soldiers carrying rifles and iron rods with machete-like heads in the vicinity of India’s forward locations on the southern bank of Pangong Tso in 2020.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.