Oxygen crisis is about logistics. Bring in the Army to help in Delhi
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Oxygen crisis is about logistics. Bring in the Army to help in Delhi

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Even more than supply, oxygen is a crisis of logistics. With limited availability, reaching the needed volumes to the hospitals where shortages are foreseen will make the difference between life and death. This particular responsibility should be handed over to the Army. Delhi to begin with. Nobody understands logistics better.

Modi must ask Biden for vaccine support. Strategic allies shouldn’t dump you during crisis

When US was in a Covid wave, Donald Trump called Narendra Modi for emergency supplies of the yet unproven Hydroxychloroquine. It’s time Modi called Joe Biden to lift ban on exporting critical vaccine raw materials to India. What are strategic allies for if they dump you in the gravest crisis.

Covid crisis can’t be solved by social media, courts. Delhi needs war room for hospital needs

Delhi immediately needs a war room with staff from central and state governments, under one empowered leader. The one go-to place for hospitals for emergency needs, from oxygen to drugs and testing kits. A crisis as dangerous and complex as this can’t be resolved on social media or in courts.