Friday, July 12, 2024
YourTurnSubscriberWrites: Killer plastics

SubscriberWrites: Killer plastics

At present each year 300 million tons of plastics are produced. it is more than the fish in the ocean. Every day 8 trillion microbeads pollute our waters.

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The Plastics that are killing me are the ones I cannot see. Killer Plastics are micro and nano plastics. Micro plastics are smaller than the size of rice grain and Nano plastics are as small as viruses, but they kill.  A year and a half back I was diagnosed with Lymphoma- a type of blood cancer that affects the immune system. 

I learnt that micro and nano plastics cause inflammation of various organs of our body and that results in brain haemorrhage, heart attacks or/and cancer. I was confused because I had nothing to do with any form of plastics in life. I probably was the first to eliminate all single use plastics, never used zipper bags, cling films, PET bottles, HDPE milk jugs, LDPE squeezable tubes. Even my food has always been pure, organic and vegetarian. I never fancied eatables in colourful stand-alone pouches. My surroundings never had      PVC window frames, resilient flooring, roofing membranes or any visible plastics. I have never worn fabrics like nylon or polyester because they shed micro and nano plastics  both during  cutting  and washing. I have no clothes that are synthetic, stretchy, water-resistant, or sweat-wicking. Neither have I any footwear with thermoplastic rubber soles. Then how are microplastics in almost every part of my body?

Micro plastics are produced  either  from the pre-existing plastics or   are engineered in the laboratories. The first type are in our oceans killing marine life. The second type are used in personal care products and enter our bodies either through the products in which they have been added or through the air we breathe and water we drink. 

 At present each year 300 million tons of plastics are produced. it is more than the fish in the ocean. Every day 8 trillion microbeads pollute our waters. 

The World Health Organization has expressed concern about the potential of nano- and microplastics on human health.  

 A study published in ‘Scientific Reports’( an open access journal publishing original research)  found that microplastics can be produced from activities like cutting’ twisting or tearing open plastic packages , activities like cutting, twisting, or tearing open plastic packages.  

Another study found that patients with microplastics in the blood vessels  suffer a heart attack or stroke. In my case it started with bouts of pain  on the left side of my lower abdomen. The pain was tolerable and not constant.  I presumed it was because of eating some wrong foods but one day the pain increased. My blood test revealed the presence of cancerous cells.

Microplastics have played havoc with the microbiota  of my gut. Airborne microplastics are deposited in my lungs.  Micro plastics deposited on both sides of my neck have affected the arteries, heart and brain.  Have had a brain stroke already.  Even if I do not get a heart attack  I would have  Alzheimer’s  disease- the ultimate impact of microplastics on the human body.

 Nano plastics -the  tiny polymers  between  ium  till 5 mm equivalent to household dust have been detected in aquatic food web, oceans, air, soil, waste waters and samples of human stool. They travel on clothes and food with rains, winds and waves.  Most human exposure is by inhalation and/or ingestion. Nano plastics  lead to  visible inflammation of legs and feet and  inflammation of organs inside the body. In my case control and reversal of inflammation  has made me live and work till date. 

Are killer plastics going to kill all of us or are there ways to safeguard humans, animals and all life forms on mother earth? 

Unfortunately individuals and companies who became billionaires simply by producing plastics including micro and nano plastics did not spend any money or put in any effort to engineer  substitutes needed. Instead they constantly innovate ways  to replace everything natural with their plastics. They  befooled masses into believing that plastics were the best thing that ever happened to them. 

I cannot think of  any safe guards from killer plastics because even if you reject them they  persist like the demon in our story books who is indestructible. However, to feel good that you are taking some measures  please change the way  you use the washing machine. Gentle cycles do not get the fibers to separate and create micro plastics. Buy clothes made from natural materials because nature never produces plastics. See that the tires of your car are of natural rubber and steel because present day car tires are a major source of micro plastics.  Buy genuine plastic free household and personal use products. Do not get fooled by green washing.  I am sure you already have rejected single use plastics. 

There are hardly any safeguards but I have a suggestion. Let’s collectively prosecute the producers of killer plastics.

These pieces are being published as they have been received – they have not been edited/fact-checked by ThePrint

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