Friday, June 14, 2024

What is Manglik Dosha? Remedies by celebrity astrologer Chirag Daruwalla


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What is Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosh?

Every person has a unique birth chart during their birth. Along with the birth chart, their personality and fortune also vary from another person. Manglik Dosha is faced by many in their horoscope which is also known by the name of Angarak dosha, Kuja Dosha, and Bhumi dosha. In the Kundali of any person, Mars is in the second, fourth, seventh, eighth, and twelfth house, it is called Manglik Dosha.

Know about Mangal Dosha

Mangal Dosha mostly affects a person’s marriage life where they face difficulty in choosing the right partner for marriage. The high chance of getting separated from their life partner is the effect of Manglik dosha. Manglik marriage is preferred by such natives to get rid of Manglik dosha there would be financial loss in the couple’s life. One can remove the negative effects of Manglik dosha by following some remedies. You can visit to remove the effect of Manglik Dosha from your Kundli and get the solution to your problem.

 Effects of Manglik Dosha

Mars in the 1st house is strongly associated with a partner and can create an antagonistic marital life. In most households, both the husband and wife quarrel over trivial matters, often resulting in turmoil.

When Mars is in the 2nd house, it causes a lot of problems in the family life of the person. A person’s professional life is troubling. There may be a problem of tension in your family.

 Mars in the 4th house brings good results in professional life. Between work, one has to change his opinion. The result will be good. People may also face financial difficulties. There may be confusion regarding career.

If you have Mars within the seventh house in the horoscope there may be issues with the marriage timing and issues persist after the marriage.

If Mars is located in the 8th house of the horoscope then there is a chance that the person will be in the wrong business because of which there is a chance of a breakdown in the marriage.

However, If Mars is in the 12th place, you will have to deal with difficulties like marital problems, divorce life, a lack of physical capabilities, illnesses, and even discord.

Manglik/Kuja Dosha effect of marriage

Mangal dosha is formed only by Mars i.e. Kuja. Whenever Mars is associated with particular houses or is having a negative effect on a person’s magazine, he will be affected by Kuja Dosha. The most negative effect of Kuja Dosha is on marriage, and married life. Discord in married life, obstruction in marriage, etc. are its effects.

 Manglik features in a person

Manglik persons are quite polite in their nature having a strong personality who love maintaining discipline in their life. Having a fiery temperament they are highly focused on their career and life and always stay dedicated to their dreams. They are a person having very positive and powerful vibes possessing a very charming personalities. Hence, Manglik people are only capable of dealing with their partner’s strong personality.

 Remedies to remove Manglik Dosha effects in life

  •  Mars position in Kundali

It is said by many famous marriage prediction astrologers that the position of Mars in a person’s horoscope plays a very crucial role. In the house of Aries, Mars’s position might get replaced in their horoscope. Praying to Aries for replacing the strong position against Mars by reducing its effects is suggested by various astrologers so that you won’t be bothered with this anymore in your life. This will help you in enjoying peace and harmony in your life. Aries being present in the first house can deal with the issues of marriage, wealth, and health by Mars and remove the negative effects of mangal dosha from people’s lives and help them to celebrate good times.

  • Worshiping and offering to God

From a very young age, Manglik people can practice Devotion and worship God for removing the effects of mangal dosha is being recommended by various experienced astrologers. Worshiping gods and goddesses by chanting mantras and offering flowers and on their feet on special days, is recommended by expert astrologers. This would help the natives live peaceful and positive life. Practicing such things on a daily basis will reduce the burden of problems in your horoscope and help you live a life free of tensions and troubles. You can also talk with the astrologers Chirag Daruwalla for detailed support and assistance in offering prayers and Pooja to deities.

  • Kumbh Vivah

Kumbh Vivah is mostly recommended to those who want to marry a person of their choice, someone who is not having mangal dosha in their chart. This will affect the Non-Manglik person suffering from various problems in their conjugal life. Kumbh Vivah is recommended as the best option for a Manglik person to marry a non-Manglik. In this kind of marriage, the Manglik person will get married to Lord Vishnu’s idol before marrying the non-Manglik person. Marrying this way will help them to reduce the malefic effect of mangal dosha in their marriage life and they can start a fresh new conjugal life with happiness and prosperity. They will enjoy a long-lasting bond of companionship with each other in their married life.

  • Doing puja regularly

Mangal dosha is mainly related to Lord mangal behind which there are many ancient stories. In our Hindu religion, the Mangal dosha is followed and believed for a very long period of time. We all know that there are various temples of Lord mangal throughout India where people worship and offer puja to the Lord for improving their conditions in life. The people who are suffering from mangal dosha go to the temples and perform various rituals suggested by expert astrologers for reducing their misery and tension in life. This greatly helps in improving and uplifting their life and yield positive results in various aspects of their life.

Marriage between two Manglik

Two Manglik people getting married to each other is mostly suggested by many famous astrologers. This will help both of them to get rid of the negative effects of Manglik dosha and help them to lead a blissful married life. They would enjoy marital bliss in each other’s company.

Marrying a Manglik boy or girl leads to death?

The person’s family gets the horoscopes of both the partners checked to know about their future. In such a situation, if the boy or girl is any Manglik, then it is considered a negative thing. Some people may also believe that marrying a Manglik girl or boy will lead to death, this is absolutely wrong. No one can die by marrying Manglik. Being Manglik is that they have hard times and problems in their lives. Therefore, being a Manglik or marrying a Manglik is not a bad thing.

What is Anshik Manglik Dosha?

When Mars enters any other house from that house then this Dosha is called Anshik Manglik Dosha. Because this dosha is not as effective as Manglik Dosha. Its effect is only a fraction as compared to Manglik Dosha.


To conclude, one can follow many other remedies offered by experienced astrologers or by people who know how to remove the ill effects of Mangal Dosh from their life to help them in living a good life with the partner of their choice. The remedies given above are some of the basic and very common ones recommended by most astrologers. If you are suffering from specific problems related to Mangal Dasha, you can do an astrology phone consultation with Chirag Daruwala on Call/Whatsapp: +91 9825470377. You can also email Celebrity Astrologer Chirag Bejan Daruwalla to find the right path and enjoy your married life at:

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