Saturday, June 22, 2024

Rabindranath meets Gulzar, Ai unites both the poets on the former’s birthday


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It’s an attempt to have a conversation with Rabindranath after a hundred years., to  establish communication through a Tagore’s poetry. A century ago Gurudev wanted to know who is reading his poetry a century later. He left this open question addressed to an imaginary poet who is reading Tagore’s creation hundred years later. Now Tagore is meeting Gulzar through an artistic presentation initiated and executed by the eminent musical duo Sourendro-Soumyojit. Centuries later Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore’s poem has been  answered by eminent poet-lyricist Gulzar. The special video is released on Sourendro-Soumyojit’s official YouTube channel on the occasion of Rabindranath Tagore’s birthday today. How did this thought come to mind?

Sourendro-Soumyojit informed, “We  always try to enrich the canvas of our imagination. For the past twenty years we have been working together on music, melodies, new fresh innovative ideas. We have always preferred to create art on larger diaspora keeping  music as a medium.

During the lockdown, a call came from an unknown Mumbai number and on the other end was a baritone voice who tracked our work well. Within minutes, the voice was unmistakably of Gulzar saab’s . He had collected our phone number from some common friends. The important part was he hung up the phone with an open invitation to create something together. This was followed by some music, poetry exchange sessions trying to get to know each other. Coincidentally, a poem of Rabindranath which he wrote a hundred years ago keeping an unknown , imaginary poet in mind who is reading his poem a hundred years later. This is just an artistic urge to understand  his own relevance after hundred years! We decided that Gurudev should find the answer to this question through Gulzar saab. Accordingly, a new poem was born as a result of a request to Gulzar saab. Which he recited himself in this video. It is as if a poet of another century is discussing with Gurudeb now. Answering all the questions left by him.

Rabindranath once himself recited the poem in his own voice. This shows how important the poem was to him! This video uses Ai technology to create Rabindranath’s voice.

We are happy to publish this video on the birth anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore on our official YouTube channel. I hope this initiative will be appreciated by all admirers of Rabindranath and literature lovers.” On the other hand, Gulzar saab said, “Both Sourendro-Soumyojit are very creative. They wanted me to write a reply to Gurudeb’s poem ‘Aji Hote Shataborsho Pore’,. But I don’t have enough courage to answer Gurudeb. I also wrote an poem that even today we read his poetry, perform songs, he is still very relevant. Maybe Gurudeb gave me this homework through Sourendro-Soumyojit! I am honoured.”

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