Wednesday, August 28, 2024

How homeopathy is helpful in managing post Covid symptoms: Dr. Aditi


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COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 VIRUS (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2). This viral strain, discovered on December 19, was spreading with such unprecedented speed that by March 2020 it was declared a pandemic by WHO.

This virus is responsible for over 200 million cases globally with a staggering number of casualties that is about 4.5 million. This virus is highly transmittable and can be transmitted from person to person through respiratory droplets when the infected individual sneezes, coughs, exhale, or even talks in close proximity. This virus can also aerosolize and remain suspended in the air minutes to hours after the cough making it more dangerous and contractible.

The symptoms of this disease vary from person to person with some people not exhibiting any signs of contracting the disease at all. They can be mild to severe depending on the immune system of the patient.  The incubation period might last from 2 days to 2 weeks. Some of the most common symptoms linked to COVID-19 are:

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Shortness of breath
  • Progressively worsening of cough
  • Congestion

Less commonly experienced symptoms are:

  • Sore throat
  • Muscle ache
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting
  • Pinkeye
  • Rashes

Individuals may have some or all the symptoms mentioned above. The majority of people has a mild case of covid-19 with the classic symptoms but without any abnormal changes in chest imaging but this can progress to become a severe case of Covid-19 where the symptoms are much more serious and life-threatening like:

  • Blue lips or face
  • Respiratory insufficiency
  • Persistent pressure on the chest
  • Confusion

The symptoms or effects of COVID-19 might be long-lasting for a lot of people. People who survived the disease reported lingering symptoms long after the virus had gone from their bodies. According to research conducted on individuals who contracted the virus, more than one-third of people with COVID 19 had persistent debilitating symptoms for as long as 9-10 months after the acute infection.

The lingering symptoms majority of people struggle with are chronic fatigue, abnormal heart rate, diarrhea, loss of appetite, hair fall, nausea, recurring shortness of breath, insomnia, muscle ache, joint pain, depression, loss of taste n smell, brain fog and difficulty with concentration. All of these symptoms were collectively named as “post COVID syndrome”.

Role of homeopathy in managing post COVID-19 syndrome

Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine modality that has proven to be highly beneficial in managing the post COVID-19 symptoms. It can be used for the symptomatic management of the condition in conjunction with the traditional medicine the patient might be taking. Homeopathy has worked wonders during epidemics as prophylactic or therapeutic medication. A homeopathic physician usually prescribes medications according to the totality of symptoms. It has proven to be greatly advantageous, especially with the rapid spread of COVID-19.

Some especially important homeopathic medications that showed great promise in managing the post COVID-19 symptoms are:

Gelsemium – For Managing weakness, Dizziness

This medicine is sourced from the bark of the root of a plant commonly known as yellow jasmine or Gelsemium Sempervirens. This medicine has proven very useful in managing complications like dizziness and weakness. Gelsemium is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage fatigue after viral infections. People suffering from marked drowsiness and dullness along with weakness, dizziness along with muscle ache and muscle weakness have reported great results after taking this medication

Kali Phos – For Weakness in both Mental and Physical Sphere

It is the next important medicine that can be considered if a person complains of marked weakness both mentally and physically. It may also be used in cases of sleep disturbances like insomnia or discontinued sleep. Next, it is also indicated for managing depression and anxiety issues successfully.

Arsenic Album – For Fatigue, Anxiety Issues

This medicine has been used for managing fatigue and weakness successfully. It is indicated in cases where an individual feels weak or fatigued after any slight physical exertion. This also plays an important role in managing anxiety issues and hence manages restlessness due to anxiety as well. It also has been reported to be successful in individuals suffering from gastrointestinal issues post COVID and manages symptoms like diarrhea and nausea.

Rhus Tox – To Manage Muscle Pain, Joint Pain

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for managing muscle pain and joint pains in homeopathy. This medicine not only helps to relieve the pain it also gets rid of the stiffness in the muscles and joints. Individuals suffering from joint or muscle pain of unknown origin post COVID are highly indicative for this particular medicine especially if you also have redness and swelling in the joints.

China – For Loose Stool, Weakness

It is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from dried Peruvian bark. In homeopathy, it is used to manage complaints of diarrhea and the attending weakness. Gastrointestinal symptoms are very common after Covid-19 infection and hence this medication can be used in combination with other traditional medication to manage the symptoms and restore health.

Ipecac – For Nausea and abdominal distension

This medicine is prepared from the dried root of the plant Cephaelis ipecacuanha. It is indicated in cases of distressing nausea. Nausea is constant with excessive salivation. Weakness can also attend to the complaint of nausea. Abdominal distension is also experienced with vomiting of white mucus that causes extreme discomfort.

Ignatia – To Manage symptoms of depression

It is a top-grade medicine in homeopathy when it comes to managing depression symptoms. This medicine is extracted from the plant Ignatia Amara commonly known as St. Ignatius Bean. People who are experiencing symptoms like sadness, melancholy along with irritability and loneliness post infection are prescribed this medication. It has shown great improvement in individuals suffering mental dullness and mood swings due to depressive episodes.

Phosphoric Acid – For Managing Fatigue and Brain Fog

It is also a very significant medicine that can be used to manage post covid symptoms. It helps to manage fatigue felt after a debilitating acute illness like covid 19. This medicine also helps manage the symptoms like brain fog, Memory weakness, and dullness of the mind.

Medicines like gelsemium, Arsenicum album, arnica Montana, phosphoricum acidum, naja tripudians, Crotalus horridus, and phosphorus is some of the drugs that one can resort to during the post COVID era. Physicians highly recommend homeopathy as a complementary treatment for strengthening immunity and supporting the recovery from post COVID symptoms.

Even though these medications have shown great promise and have proven to be beneficial in managing post COVID symptoms, it is strictly advised to consult your doctor or homeopathic physician before you start taking any medication for your ailments. Only a professional can judge your needs and prescribe a medication suitable for your case. We at Dr. Aditi’s Homoeo Health Multi-specialty clinic are helping people to get better health for the last 20 years. You can contact us through our website for an online consultation. Self-medication is highly prohibited in any case. Although global phenomenon, self-medication can be very harmful to the individual and might produce unwanted side effects and risks in the person resorting to these techniques. Adverse effects like medicine resistance, bleeding, inhibition of the immune system, and arrhythmias are very common and cause of great concern. Talk to your physician about your symptoms, get evaluated so that you can be prescribed a suitable medicine with an accurate dosage that can help you manage the symptoms rather than put you at risk. 

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