Thursday, August 22, 2024

Herbal Clean QCarbo 32 Review: Instructions & Does QCarbo32 Detox Work For Opiates?


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You may be skeptical, but a detox drink really can work to pass a drug test, even at short notice. In this QCarbo 32 review, I’m going to tell you how good it is it a detox drink to do just that.

QCarbo detox is one of a dozen or more popular detox cleanses out there that people recommend for passing drug tests. 

But how does it stack up against the market leader (click to check it out in advance):

In this complete review of QCarbo 32 I’m going to tell you everything you need to know. What’s in it and how a detox drink should work, as well as how to use QCarbo32 on the day of your drug test.

Then, I will compare it to other popular detox drinks, and specifically to Rescue Cleanse and Mega Clean, two of the best drinks on the market for passing a drug test.

What Exactly Is Herbal Clean QCarbo 32?

QCarbo 32 is one of a range of detox drinks made by company called Herbal Clean.

For several years, QCarbo 32 was the company’s premium detox drink, with the best track record and a large following. It was replaced in potency and popularity by a new drink from Herbal Clean called Ultra Eliminex about three years ago.

There is also a smaller version of QCarbo 32 called QCarbo 16. It’s exactly the same, but only contains a 16 fluid ounce volume of liquid.

QCarb o32 is designed for flushing out bodies that are larger, or that will have larger amounts of drug metabolites in them, while the smaller QCarbo 16 is for smaller body sizes, and lighter levels of toxin exposure.

Just a word here on Ultra Eliminex. It used to be potent, and I used it myself. However, they changed the formula, and nowadays it’s no better than QCarbo32 (but costs nearly twice the price!).

How A Good Quality Detox Drink Works In The Body

I want to be clear here, a detox drink is not a magic drink that removes all drug toxins from the body.

So a detox drink is not a permanent detoxification method. To permanently detoxify takes several days, even with small amounts of drug metabolites in the body.

Here’s how a detox drink actually works:


  1. The volume of liquid flushes out the body. It flushes toxins heading towards your kidneys through them and out through the bladder after you urinate several times. Although you could do this with water, a good quality detox drink contains diuretics and other ingredients that help you to push out more toxins faster, and urinate more frequently to eradicate them.
  2. The problem with water is it would leave you horribly diluted, which is where the detox drink makes the difference. A detox drink contains things found in urine in large quantities. When you flush your body out, these are processed by the body and some are passed through as waste into your urine in the correct balance.
  3. As well as keeping the balance of your urine correct, vitamins and minerals that can stain your urine the correct color are also contained in a good quality detox drink.

Put that together, and you are flushed out by the detox drink, which also stops you failing validity checks are having a diluted/adulterated sample. For a even more detailed guide, please check out

How Fast Can You Get Clean Using QCarbo 32?

So now you know that a detox drink works by creating a gap in the toxin flow of the few hours, and floods the body with things found in urine so that your urine test as natural in balance when you submit it.

Getting clean with a detox drink only takes about 90 minutes. I’ll go through the instructions for using QCarbo 32 in a moment.

But it is vital to understand that are poor quality detox drink will not maintain the balance of your urine. That’s where the poor quality drinks fail. They all flush you out, but then you will fail for having a diluted/adulterated sample.

Does QCarbo 32 Work For Opiates?

People ask does QCarbo detox work for opiates, and also for other specific drugs like cannabis?

It doesn’t matter what drugs you are trying to mask. The flushing through and maintaining the balance process creates a gap in the flow of drug metabolites to the bladder.

So, it doesn’t matter what drug you are trying to hide, the process is the same for all drugs, and everything else in your urine you wouldn’t want people to find, because a detox drink merely stops the steady flow of those things into your urine for a few hours.

QCarbo 32 Instructions: How To Use QCarbo 32 To Pass A Drug Test

Let’s tell you exactly how to use QCarbo 32 to pass a drug test now, by talking you through the QCarbo32 instructions you need to follow.

1. Try and detox for at least 24 hours before the day of your test if you have the time. The longer you can detox for, the cleaner you will be because there will be less toxins in your body. Follow a natural detox, drink plenty of water, exercise and sweat every day, eat lean and small meals of good food, and get plenty of rest.

2. 90 minutes before your test, smoothly drink the contents of the QCarbo 32 detox drink bottle over about 10 minutes. Then, refill the bottle and drink that as well.

3. Over the next hour, urinate as frequently as possible. You’ll need to urinate at least three times, with the last urination being very close to the end of the hour just before you leave to ensure your bladder is empty of old urine containing toxins, as well as any fresh urine that’s been pushed into the bladder that contains toxins from the process of drinking the detox drink.

4. Just before you leave, I’d advise you take a home drug test kit to ensure you are clean. If you are not, you are going to need a plan B. An unsupervised drug test, this would be good quality fake urine like sub solution. If you are new to synthetic urine villagevoice has an awesome review.

How Good Is QCarbo Detox & Can You Trust It?

Look, any good quality detox drink has to be able to maintain the balance of your urine and flush out more toxins at a faster rate than can be achieved naturally.

The object is to create the longest gap in the toxin flow possible by pushing out as many toxins as possible. Then, to maintain the balance of the urine so it tests as a natural sample.

QCarbo is not a good detox drink. Any QCarbo 32 review that tells you it is will not be telling you the truth.

Even years ago when it was one of the few better ones around, it wasn’t that great. It was still like flipping a coin on whether you would pass or not. Better than nothing, but not high-quality.

QCarbo detox, just like Herbal Clean Ultra Eliminex, and many other drinks, simply doesn’t have the potency to push out in of toxins, and doesn’t contain enough ingredients to pass the wide-ranging modern validity checks the look for the following:

  • The inclusion of some common compounds found in urine
  • The balance of the urine (specific gravity and pH range)
  • Whether the sample contains nitrates
  • Whether the sample contains other adulterants

Unfortunately, QCarbo32 fails on two counts. I don’t think it’s got the complexity to pass a modern drug test, because it’s not going to create a good enough balance to fool modern validity checks.

Worse than that though, is I don’t think it’s potent enough to push out the toxins to create a long enough gap in the toxin flow anyway.

I’ve tested this at home, and I only got 30 minutes clean before I was testing positive again for marijuana use when using a sequence of home drug test kits.

Therefore, if you are a heavy user, a regular daily smoker, or you are taking opiates regularly, or similar, then it’s not going to push out enough toxins to create a long enough gap in the toxin flow you to test clean during the time it takes you to get to the test center and submit your sample.

Poor Quality Detox Drinks To Avoid

QCarbo32 is one of a range of detox drinks that are very popular, widely marketed, and easily available through places like Walmart, but they are not high-quality enough to give you that 90% chance of passing a drug test that you need.

These are the detox drinks that definitely will fail you:

    • Qcarbo 32
    • Ultra Eliminex
    • Magnum Detox Drink
    • All Stinger Detox Drinks
    • Champ Flush
    • Quick Clear Detox
    • Smaller Detoxify Products
  • Rescue Ice Detox (Packaged To Look Deceptively Like Rescue Cleanse)

Best Alternatives To QCarbo 32: High-Quality Detox Drinks That Work

If it’s a supervised drug test, where you will be observed, or a drug test at short notice, then a detox drink is a great way to pass.

Problems will only occur if you pick a poor quality detox drink, or you have such high levels of toxins in your body that a gap in the toxin flow is too short for you to get there and submit your sample (which is rare if you use the best quality drinks).

The two best alternatives to Herbal Clean QCarbo  that actually work are:

  1. Rescue Cleanse

This is the best detox drink on the market. 15 years of trust has been built up through this product’s great quality. I’ve used it to pass two pre-employment drug tests over the years. It’s complex, and affordable at less than $60.

Mega Clean

Detoxify Mega Clean is a full 32 fluid ounce detox drink like Rescue Cleanse. Don’t buy the smaller Detoxify brand drinks as these don’t have enough volume of the good stuff. But Mega Clean does have the potency to help you pass, but it’s not as good as Rescue Cleanse.

Best Detox Strategy: Detox Drink & Detox Pill Combo

If you buy Mega Clean from Test Clear you actually get six good quality Toxin Rid pills with it completely free. This allows you to do a 24 hour detox on the day before your test (if you have the time).

Doing that makes it more potent the Rescue Cleanse. But on its own, Mega Clean is not quite as good.

Rescue Cleanse on its own should be able to cope with all that the worst levels of toxins in the body flooding out. The best detox strategy is a combo of detox pills and a detox drink to mask the remaining ones on the day of your test.

Obviously, this only works if you have at least 24 hours before your test.

But Toxin Rid pills are potent, and you can buy course lengths from a single day through to 10 days in length.

I’d advise you buy a long course length, and you can always just use as much of the course as you have time available.

Simply detox for as many days before your test as possible, and accelerate the removal of toxins from your body using the Toxin Rid pills. This process will leave less toxins in your body for the day of your test, so the detox drink will create a longer gap in the toxin flow.

Then follow the process for all detox drinks. 90 minutes before your test, consume it, urinate frequently, and then do a home drug test kit to check you are clean.

The absolute best combo strategy to pass a drug test is Rescue Cleanse and at least a 24-hour course of detox pills. If you’ve got the time and the money, get those two products, then you will pass that drug test.

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