Monday, May 20, 2024

Does typing speed Matter Anymore?


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Typing is crucial to any field or job in this era. Communication is done through typing and social media. Typing practices are required to ensure your typing speed skills. 

Importance of Typing Speed

In today’s world, where everything is now computerized, typing speed is something everyone needs to have in this fast-running world. We are primarily on our phones, laptops, or computers. Typing is a constant and inevitable part of our technological uses now. You can increase your typing speed by practising it via the Typing Speed Test

Several reasons that show the importance of typing speed –

  1. Productivity and efficiency: Fast typing can help you complete tasks more quickly, whether they are emails, coding, drafting, etc. It allows you to do the task quickly, leaving room for other tasks. 
  2. Professional competence: Quick writers are preferred in many workplaces, especially for data input, transcribing, administrative tasks, etc. Thanks to your fast typing speed, your resume will look better, and you’ll be a stronger applicant.
  3. Effectual Communication: As mentioned above, most of our communication happens through typing in today’s world and having the ability to type fast means ensuring that you are eligible for effective communication.
  4. Reduction and error: Potent writers make fewer mistakes, which means they spend less time correcting them. Typing speed can help with increased muscle memory, as accuracy also improves. 
  5. Learning and information processing: May it be students or teachers, fast typing helps with writing papers, taking notes, conducting papers, etc. Typing speed always helps with this stuff. It also enables your quick thinking to record thoughts or ideas. 
  6. Chances in different fields: Many organizations want someone who can type faster. Mostly organizations with content writing, digital marketing, or many other different fields. 

Fields that prefer Fast Typing Speed

Many organizations prefer typing speed. The most common is for data entry. As many companies require data to operate their company, fast typing speed can be preferred. These days, writing content or for digital marketing companies hire typists to do the job. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr allow people to use their typing skills to gain skills. Professionals like journalists, medical transcriptionists, data entry, and court reporters also need the skills of fast typing. 

Tips for Fast Typing

Many recruiters may test to check the typing speed and accuracy. 

Home row position: Press your fingers on the home row. E.g.- JKL for the right hand and ASDF for the left hand. 

Practice often: Practicing is the key to your fast typing. It improves the accuracy and speed. You can use typing websites for your typing practice

Learn to type without looking: Try typing practices without looking at the keyboard. It increases the accuracy and speed.

Use all fingers: Use all of your fingers to spread the workload, not just a few. Typing practices become easier. 

No doubt typing jobs these days have increased, so you must ensure your typing skills to get a job. This will help you in your resume as well. Many free typing speed tests available online will help you boost your skills. You must do typing practices continuously to see the improvement in no time. 


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