New Delhi, Apr 16 (PTI) Union Minister Bhupender Yadav said on Saturday that over 27 crore workers from the unorganised sector, which employs over 90 per cent of the workforce, have been registered on the e-shram portal in last six months as part of the government’s initiative to boost welfare measures for them. At a press conference, the senior BJP leader also accused the opposition of making “irresponsible and insensitive” statements and asserted the government works in accordance with the law.
He was responding to a question about the Congress accusing the government of spreading “hate”.
Talking to reporters, the Union labour and employment minister highlighted several measures taken by the government to help the working class and noted that nearly 56 per cent of the total registered workers are women. The BJP has been observing ‘Samajik Nyay Pakhwada’ (fortnight dedicated to social justice) to mark its foundation day on April 6, with its leaders focusing on highlighting the government’s specific welfare measures on each of the days. The new labour codes will also help the labourers in a big way, and are likely to be implemented after all states frame the law, he said. The government has established social security fund for nearly 38 crore workers in the unorganised sector, the party said. Yadav also referred to the implementation of the one-nation-one-ration card scheme which is helping the poor in procuring their quota of ration from anywhere in the country.
The government had run 4,621 special trains during the pandemic for workers and provided five kg grains free per month. The government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is working with the vision of “sabka saath sabka vikas” and has reached out to every section of society with various schemes, he said. PTI KR ANB ANB
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