Covid pandemic taught me the importance of resilience and facing fears
Campus Voice

Covid pandemic taught me the importance of resilience and facing fears

Campus Voice is an initiative by ThePrint where young Indians get an opportunity to express their opinions on a prevalent issue.

Mental health

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It has been a year since I came back from hostel. It has been a year since I have been locked in my house. It has been a year since I have been trying to find something new every day to give me hope.

Every single person across the world is going through a tough time that none of us have experienced before. Psychological issues, including depression, are common these days. Many people I know have these issues and some are taking medical assistance while others are struggling.

I was no different. I was initially hoping to go back to university at some point before my course finishes in June 2021. I was living for months with just that hope. But later I understood that, they will not call us back.

I tried to adjust with reality several times in many ways. But it was very hard for me to handle it. And one day I even broke down in front of my family.

Since we could not step out of the house, I wished to understand the reality I was inhabiting. But it was difficult to concentrate on what I was doing and I ended up crying most days. My sleep was also delayed.

It was then I realised that there is a need to be resilient. I was searching for ways to get back to normal and for that I tried many things and some worked. And I wish to share some of them there.

Keeping myself engaged helped to cope with pandemic

Engaging myself was the first and foremost thing I tried. I initially depended on my phone to engage myself. I watched movies and listened to music and this helped me a lot but only for a while.

After this, I began occupying myself with something new. I started cooking, farming and reading books, which were all new to me.

Later, when the restrictions eased a little, I joined driving classes and learned driving. This gave me new hope.

I also began enjoying all the little things around us. For instance, I loved spending evenings on my terrace with the sunset, which was beautiful and bright.

I started capturing lots of photographs, which I was never interested in earlier.

I also spent a lot of time with my family. Since my parents were always busy, I tried to believe that this time was a gift that I had never gotten before in my life.

We tried having food from different places than from the same dinner table. My father and I tried making new things, including cement pots for our house plants.

I also started discussing politics with my parents and siblings, which I majorly missed during my time in university.

Gradually, I started getting better. Since I was occupied and engaged, I didn’t think too much, which reduced my frustration. I could concentrate on what I was doing.

I couldn’t completely avoid my problems but I could cope with them. I was sad that I couldn’t return to my university but was okay with the time spent at home.

I have understood that resilience is something that all of us should train ourselves in. There is a need to be resilient and we should learn to overcome hard times.

Nihala Jabeen is a student of University of Hyderabad.