It is like a joke. Hardly any difference btw current kremlin bosses and Navalni. Author keeping quiet that Navalni and his friends never fight for peoples interest who are poorer with every passing day. US establishment / West Europe establishment wants to replace Putin with Navalni. Navalni and his friends consider as if corruption in Russia started with Putin. They do not talk of massive corruption during Elstin era. Navalni is a typical Western puppet like Elstin and many others today including current ruling class. After the Bolotanaya movement, Navalni maintained stone silence after he got into agreement with Kremlin managers while his comrades were imprisioned and were languished in jails all over Russia and so overwhelming opposition forces do not recognise Navalni as their leader. Until and unless he stops representing one section of Western interest. Perception about his that he has only on agenda that he has to become president of Russia like Elstin had some 30 years back.
It is like a joke. Hardly any difference btw current kremlin bosses and Navalni. Author keeping quiet that Navalni and his friends never fight for peoples interest who are poorer with every passing day. US establishment / West Europe establishment wants to replace Putin with Navalni. Navalni and his friends consider as if corruption in Russia started with Putin. They do not talk of massive corruption during Elstin era. Navalni is a typical Western puppet like Elstin and many others today including current ruling class. After the Bolotanaya movement, Navalni maintained stone silence after he got into agreement with Kremlin managers while his comrades were imprisioned and were languished in jails all over Russia and so overwhelming opposition forces do not recognise Navalni as their leader. Until and unless he stops representing one section of Western interest. Perception about his that he has only on agenda that he has to become president of Russia like Elstin had some 30 years back.