RBI announcements can do what Sitharaman’s Budget couldn’t — revive consumption
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RBI announcements can do what Sitharaman’s Budget couldn’t — revive consumption

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Even though high inflation prevented RBI from cutting policy rates, its announcements can do more to boost consumption demand in the short-term than Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s budget last week. Regulatory relaxations and forbearance can push lending rates to fall sharply, encouraging people to borrow and revive the consumption cycle.

Sedition law being misused to crush dissent. Time for it to go

Sedition charges against 19 anti-CAA protesters by UP police — on a day when the government informed Rajya Sabha that 233 people were charged under the law between 2014 and 2018 — is alarming and draconian. The British-era law is being misused to suppress dissent. It’s time to repeal it.

Rahul Gandhi’s ‘jobless’ jibe at Modi shows Congress still doesn’t know how to tackle him

Rahul Gandhi’s speech about the jobless beating PM Modi with sticks is deplorable but also immature. Modi is still hugely popular. It shows Congress learnt little from Sonia Gandhi’s “maut ka saudagar” remark that boomeranged. Modi, the consummate politician, turns each such barb into a trophy, as he did today.