Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Why should I support ThePrint?
Your support helps protect ThePrint’s independence and support our newsroom initiatives. It means we can keep delivering quality journalism during this pandemic. Every contribution, however big or small, is very valuable for our future. We would be delighted to give you access to live-events with ThePrint’s journalists, behind the scenes of our news initiatives and cut the clutter, newsletters with a selection of stories and highlights curated for you.
What are the different modes of payment?
Payments made from India-based accounts can be made via credit/debit cards, UPI, digital wallets, and netbanking. Payments via PayPal can be made using credit/debit cards or a PayPal account.
Can I get a refund?
All payments currently made are non-refundable. We deeply value our relationship with you. If you have feedback to share or have made a faulty or a double payment, please write to us at and we’ll be happy to assist you. All cancellation requests for monthly/ yearly subscriptions will be effective from the next billing cycle. Please send a mail to along with your PayPal/ RazorPay ID for cancelling your subscription.
Do I need to pay periodically?
Our monthly and yearly plans provide a seamless payment experience with automatic recurring payments. Once subscribed, you can be rest assured that the debits will be made as per the cycle chosen by you.
Do I need to provide GST?
Proper GST invoices will be issued for corporate transactions with GST numbers. If you are an individual not registered under GST, providing GST number is not mandatory. All contributions are inclusive of GST.
Do you accept cash?
We appreciate your interest to support ThePrint’s initiatives, but we don’t accept cash.
I want my friends and family to support ThePrint, can we support as a group?
That would be fantastic. For group/corporate support enquiries please write to us at and we’d be glad to make it happen.
Are the contributions Tax Exempt? Do you provide donation certificates for these payments?
Your support for ThePrint’s journalism does not constitute a charitable donation and is not eligible for a tax deduction. Your payments are used to support our editorial initiatives and to cover the logistics of producing a story.

If you have any more questions about contributing to ThePrint, please contact us at

Address: 3rd Floor, 9 & 10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Vikram Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110002

Phone: 011 6629 2500