Musk, bird poop & other animal products, and how ‘poll’ution’s taking over Delhi & Gujarat
Last Laughs

Musk, bird poop & other animal products, and how ‘poll’ution’s taking over Delhi & Gujarat

The best cartoons of the day, chosen by the editors at ThePrint.

Sandeep Adhwaryu | The Times of India

Sandeep Adhwaryu | The Times of India

The selected cartoons appeared first in other publications, either in print or online, or on social media, and are credited appropriately.

In today’s featured cartoon, Sandeep Adhwaryu comments on the findings of a study suggesting that instances of hate speech on Twitter surged immediately after billionaire Elon Musk took control of the micro-blogging platform last week.

Kirtish Bhatt | Twitter/@Kirtishbhat | BBC Hindi

Kirtish Bhatt, too, draws on Musk’s acquisition of Twitter and his subsequent announcement that users with ‘verified’ handles will have to pay $8 each month for the ‘blue tick’. In the illustration, a man can be seen telling another: “Now, people will say if we are paying so much money, the tick should be made available in different sizes and colours.”

Alok Nirantar | Twitter/@caricatured

Alok Nirantar depicts how the Aam Aadmi Party’s fervent efforts to expand its footprint in poll-bound Gujarat are coinciding with severe air pollution levels choking AAP-ruled Delhi.

Satish Acharya | Twitter/@satishacharya

Satish Acharya uses his canvas to reject the argument that accountability for the Morbi tragedy rests solely with locals who thronged the suspension bridge in large numbers on the day of the incident.

Sajith Kumar | Twitter

Sajith Kumar alludes to remarks made by a manager of Morbi-based Oreva group — one of the nine arrested in connection with the collapse — who told a court Wednesday that the tragedy was an “act of God”. The group had signed a 15-year contract with municipal authorities to maintain and manage the suspension bridge over Machhu river.