Singapore ‘most fatigued’, Mexico & Brazil don’t get much sleep either, UK bedmaker’s study finds

Singapore ‘most fatigued’, Mexico & Brazil don’t get much sleep either, UK bedmaker’s study finds

Researchers looked at several aspects — from working hours per year to average screen time per day — to obtain the results and provide a 'fatigue score'.

Representational image | Flickr

Representational image | Flickr

New Delhi: Singapore is the most sleep-deprived country in the world with a “fatigue score” of 7.20 out of 10, according to a study conducted by UK bedding-manufacturing company Sleepseeker.

Mexico and Brazil were second and third with a score of 7.01 and 6.28 respectively.

Other countries included in the top 15 list were the United States (5.57), Japan, (5.32), United Kingdom (4.82), New Zealand (4.74), Australia (4.72), China (4.59), Canada (4.39), Italy (3.85), Switzerland (3.12), Germany (3.11), France (2.44) and the Netherlands (2.1).

Source: Sleepseeker

Researchers at Sleepseeker looked at several aspects — from working hours per year to average screen time per day — to obtain the results and provide a ‘fatigue score’, a total of 10 points for the analysis ahead of World Sleep Day on 18 March.

Mexico also clinched the top spot in countries with the highest average annual working hours, clocking in 2,225 hours annually which corresponds to working approximately 8.67 hours per day. Singapore (2,238) and China (2,174) were ranked second and third.

Source: Sleepseeker

A list of 16 countries and a total of four factors were considered to research the fatigue quotient of countries.

Data were drawn from Statista for the amount of time slept; found the amount of screen time that people in different countries recorded daily; Wikipedia focussed on the number of working hours in each country every year and the fourth factor was sourced from Google Keyword Planner which kept a tab on the number of sleep-related search terms.

The research highlighted that many adults were sleeping less than the 7 to 9 hours per day as recommended by experts. This may result in long-lasting effects on health.

Also read: Now sleeping longer than 6.5 hours a night associated with cognitive decline

Researchers at Sleepseeker have also revealed the best napping advice to help in tackling fatigue:

Choose the right time — nap before 3 pm if you can

Always take a nap in the early afternoon. Avoid napping after 3 pm as it can interfere with your natural sleep rhythm at night.

Aim to nap for only 20 minutes

Twenty minutes is the recommended time to feel refreshed after a snooze because the longer you nap, the more likely you are to feel groggy afterward. Ten minutes might be the optimal time for some but others might find it difficult to fall asleep in this time. These short bursts of sleep are often referred to as power naps, which are beneficial because they’re likely to have little effect on nighttime sleep

Find your comfy napping place

Always choose a comfortable spot where you can rest without interruptions and stick to this place daily. Block out the day light, opt for an eye-mask or even tune into your napping playlist to help you unwind.

Caffeine the ultimate booster

Having caffeine — it takes only 20 minutes for people to feel the effects — before taking a power-nap could give nappers the ultimate boost in the afternoon. It is always a good idea to take a few sips of coffee before settling down for a sleep and don’t forget to set your alarm to “20 minutes only”.

Also read: Look at the clock — One sleep habit can improve your mental health