Acquittal of Priya Ramani in defamation case will encourage women to speak up, caution powerful men
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Acquittal of Priya Ramani in defamation case will encourage women to speak up, caution powerful men

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Rejection of M.J. Akbar’s defamation charge and Priya Ramani’s acquittal renews India’s commitment to women’s safety at workplaces. By giving primacy to dignity over the right to reputation, the ruling will encourage women to speak up and caution powerful men. Judge Ravindra Kumar Pandey deserves praise for this landmark order.

Kiran Bedi’s removal right step, Raj Bhawans must not act like offices of party at the Centre

Puducherry L-G Kiran Bedi’s removal is a right step, though for wrong reasons. She deserved it for interfering in the functioning of an elected government, not because the NDA found her an electoral liability. Raj Bhawans must stop acting like the extended offices of the ruling party at the Centre.

India should emulate Australia’s proposed law of making tech giants pay media houses for content

Australia’s proposed law to force Google, Facebook etc., to pay media companies for content is proving successful even before legislation. This should be emulated around the world, including in India. Tech giants cannot get away by paying pittance. It hurts those producing credible content most if their economics is broken.

Yes, vaccines are here. But new coronavirus variants show we can’t relax now

Detection of South African and Brazilian coronavirus variants and cases rising in Maharashtra and Kerala show Covid remains a serious threat. Increase in travel and public activity comes with risks, and doesn’t imply letting our guard down. Spotlight on masks and social distancing should continue even as vaccinations are hastened.