Yogi govt’s ordinance and defiance on posters disregard civil liberties and privacy
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Yogi govt’s ordinance and defiance on posters disregard civil liberties and privacy

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Yogi Adityanath government’s refusal to remove the name-and-shame posters in Lucknow and its haste to issue an ordinance to recover damages from anti-CAA protestors betrays its extreme hubris and defiance. The Supreme Court had settled the issue of recovery, but the UP government’s implementation blatantly disregards civil liberties and privacy.

Governance in MP is biggest casualty amid COVID-19 crisis. Anti-defection law needs a relook

Governance during a public health emergency is the biggest casualty in Madhya Pradesh’s Congress-BJP tussle for power. Parliament must revisit the anti-defection law, rendered ineffective by defectors resigning and getting re-elected. The Supreme Court must also come out with clear guidelines to deal with resignations by legislators and floor tests.