Monday, June 24, 2024

Topic: OIC

UNDP selects ocean innovators for sustainable development

13 innovators from SIDS and LDCs to receive funding and mentorship

OIC should end its obsession with Kashmir, turn attention to Uyghurs in China instead

Before giving ill-conceived political statements or press releases on Kashmir, the OIC should brush up on its knowledge of the valley.

Wang Yi at OIC shows China’s deep inroad into the Muslim world

Muslim countries are authoritative and feel threatened by democracies because of interventionist policies. Beijing took the advantage of these conditions.

China’s Wang Yi lands in India with diplomatic outreach, gets cold reception before talks

Bitterness preceded the visit, which is happening for the first time since the Ladakh stand-off began, despite its extremely crucial nature. Both sides didn’t announce the visit officially.

MEA slams OIC for comment on hijab row, says it continues to further propaganda against India

Reacting to Organisation of Islamic Cooperation's 'misleading' comments, MEA says issues in India are resolved in accordance with constitutional framework, democratic ethos & polity.

Pakistan is sinking into its own jihadi strategy – 2022 will be no different

Truth is, you can’t change your neighbours. But if Delhi reaches out its hand to help, Pakistan has to decide to take it.

India discusses Afghanistan with Central Asia, Pakistan hosts special OIC meet same day

India builds ‘regional consensus’ with Central Asian countries on Afghanistan. Concurrently, Pakistan creates fund under Islamic Development Bank at a special OIC session.

India hits out at OIC for ‘incorrect and unwarranted references’ to Jammu and Kashmir

India advised the OIC to refrain from making such references in future and said it is regrettable that the grouping continues to allow itself to be used by a 'certain' country.

Israel-UAE deal can boost India’s PoK plans. Modi just needs to keep the balancing act on

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s refusal to allow a stand-alone meeting on Kashmir issue signals a new era of understanding of New Delhi’s position.

Oil to Kashmir — Why China, not Saudi Arabia, is Pakistan’s only Big Brother now

China has again been Pakistan’s friend — bailing it out of Saudi loans and raising the Kashmir at UNSC. But Islamabad is fast losing other friends in Islamic world.

On Camera

Delhi dating scene has a lawyer-engineer fatigue. Diversify your right swipes

Navigating dating apps is as risky as trading stocks. It makes sense to spread our assets—school teachers, DJs or public policy nerds; diversity is important.

India’s aviation sector set to boom under Modi 3.0 but ‘emerging duopoly’ could hurt consumers

Sector analysts warn that with Go First expected to remain grounded & SpiceJet struggling, industry is likely to consolidate to just 2-3 player market, hampering competition.

Army hospital commandant says no misuse of disability pension grant. ‘Scrutiny at all levels’

Lt Gen Nilakantan says revised Entitlement Rules & Guide to Medical Officers for pensions had been revised to rationalise disability classification, quantification & granting of disability.

Modi’s new universe: the normal irritants of democracy & awkward chai with Rahul Gandhi

Changed reality for Modi govt in its 3rd innings is by no means rise of a new phenomenon. It's a return to old normal where even majorities had to routinely wrestle with storied million mutinies.