UK’s faltering Covid fight and a tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Last Laughs

UK’s faltering Covid fight and a tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The best cartoons of the week, chosen by the editors at ThePrint.

Carlos Latuff | MintPress News

Bob Moran | The Telegraph

The selected cartoons appeared first in other publications, either in print or online, or on social media, and are credited appropriately.

In today’s featured cartoon, Bob Moran takes a dig at UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s efforts to curb the second wave of Covid-19 in his country.

Carlos Latuff | MintPress News

Carlos Latuff’s take on the possibility of Saudi Arabia joining Israel, UAE and Bahrain alliance against Iran, after Bahrain becomes the second Gulf nation to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel.

Adam Zyglis | The Buffalo New

Adam Zyglis pays tribute to late US justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg by featuring her famous ‘dissent collar’ in the list of superhero chest emblems.

Peter Brookes | The Times

Peter Brookes takes a jibe at UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson after he announced that pubs and restaurants in England will have to shut shop by 10pm in wake of the Covid pandemic.

Maarten Wolterink | Twitter

Maarten Wolterink’s sharp take on the report by Oxfam, which stated that the wealthiest one per cent of the world’s population were responsible for the emission of more than twice as much carbon dioxide as the poorer half of the world from 1990 to 2015.