‘Gone with the Windbag’ and Boris Johnson keeps his distance
Last Laughs

‘Gone with the Windbag’ and Boris Johnson keeps his distance

The best cartoons of the week, chosen by the editors at ThePrint.

Dave Brown | The Independent

Dave Brown | The Independent

The selected cartoons appeared first in other publications, either in print or online, or on social media, and are credited appropriately.

In today’s featured cartoon, Dave Brown takes on HBO’s decision to temporarily pull down Hollywood classic Gone With The Wind for its skewed representation of slavery as the Black Lives Matter protests gain momentum.

Adam Zyglis | The Buffalo News

Adam Zyglis depicts how on one hand the Buffalo administration is probing the 2008 firing of Black officer Cariol Horne, who stopped a white colleague from choking a suspect, while on the other hand an elderly man was shoved to the ground by police during the recent protests in Buffalo.

Christian Adams | Standard News

Christian Adams takes a jibe at British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wanting to ‘keep distance’ from all things bad during his tenure.

Marco De Angelis | The Cartoon Movement

Marco De Angelis depicts the extremity of Covid-19 pandemic, the lives lost due to the illness.

Kevin Siers | Charlotte Observer

Kevin Siers on the calls to ‘defund the police’ that have begun to reverberate across cities in the US.

Peter Brookes | The Times

Peter Brookes on the record 20 per cent drop in UK’s GDP as the country reels from the coronavirus outbreak.