Saturday, September 28, 2024


Cobalt, copper, China: India should pay more attention to the savage violence in Congo

Leaving security to mercenaries is a path to proxy wars, colonial-era savagery. Democracies like India with an economic stake can't remain sidelined.

‘Injustice’ in Telangana — it pays more to tear political posters down than to repair them

BJP's worried media department had to whisk Vasundhara Scindia away when they saw her mingling with reporters after the press briefing had concluded.

Growing frustration in youth has the Chinese govt worried. It sees solution in hukou

Hukou is a household registry allowing citizens to access social benefits, education, purchasing property, and other government services in the area they live.

India has interests on both sides of US-China divide. Cold War holds clues for path ahead

India’s strategic balance is weighted towards the West and its economic balance is towards China. But it needs more to build a multipolar world order.

What India—Hindus and Muslims—missed in Supreme Court’s ‘lecture’ on Nupur Sharma

Reaction to SC remark shows India has become a nation full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

‘To live is to kill’ — a Malabar pit viper and gliding frog affirm nature’s basic law

Amboli Ghat is known as the ‘Cherrapunji’ of Maharashtra. The UNESCO World Heritage Site sustains its ecosystem with nature's most essential law.

Patel, Nehru were right on strong Centre. Just look at US, you can’t leave it to the states

Strong centres can be misused. But let’s not forget that there are many more competing checks and balances on central governments than on states.

India has 71 towns, cities under Police Commissionerate. It just creates hierarchy

There is a need to re-examine not just the 1861 Police Act, but also the colonial practice of four-stage recruitment and the non-involvement of city governments in law and order.

Don’t leave regulation in hands of social media platforms. Govt must re-evaluate its role

It can hardly be expected of social media platforms to design self-regulatory mechanisms that encourage them being held liable and penalised for their decisions.

Pakistan can learn from Israel’s secret weapon and arrest its intellectual decline

How did Israel, a country of nine million — between one-half and one-third of Karachi’s population — manage to subdue 400m Arabs?

On Camera

Dear Bengal govt, don’t steal our memories, land, and clean air by removing trams

Nostalgia, romance, and a love of heritage alone cannot make the beloved trams of Kolkata sustainable. Simple science can. Transport Minister, are you with us still?

10 yrs ago, battery leasing failed to boost demand for EV cars in India. Now, it’s making a comeback

Under this model, battery is provided to EV owners on a subscription basis or lease. With more people open to buying EV cars, the lower upfront cost could likely drive wider acceptance.

Army gets high-altitude artillery firing range in Arunachal, 2 more to come up in the north

The artillery regiment has incorporated simulators in a big way for various functions like driving & weapons training, especially for Agniveers to get realistic training.

Lesson from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan: if you have no patience, you don’t deserve democracy

Sri Lankan transition was smoothly managed. Check Bangladesh for contrast. They forced their incumbent into exile, installed a mostly unelectable govt of non-political people.