Friday, September 27, 2024


US was helping India rise against China. But India’s policies keep disappointing investors

Harley-Davidson to Citibank to Ford, the West is holding its long-term plans in India—its woefully inadequate growth rate is becoming a serious concern.

Pakistan’s ‘devout’ Muslims had a new purpose on Eid: forget ‘qasais’, become ‘chowkidars’

For Pakistan's State-declared non-Muslims, Eid is not theirs to celebrate. Blasphemy has become the go-to weapon of the ‘devout’.

Rishi Sunak to Priti Patel, UK PM race shows it’s a mature democracy. India’s not even close

UK's PM race shows us that given a level playing field, all South Asians and especially Indians can excel in politics. But it's far from reality.

Subramanian Swamy call to help Rajapaksa not in our interest. Stand with people instead

Many mighty leaders have fallen prey to public ire over the years. In such cases, supporting a family that has lost the people’s mandate is not only imprudent, but comic.

Roe v Wade saga shows India must reform health data policy. Protection, privacy not same

India’s health data policies assume that enabling data sharing and interoperability will lead to desirable outcomes. But this approach comes with its own risks.

Does India have enough rice for welfare schemes and ethanol? What the govt is missing

Procurement of rice stocks has seen a significant increase. But India is seeing deficient rains and increase of ethanol distilleries.

Indians who support Biden’s values, see how he has said nothing of the hell in Afghanistan

Biden’s only significant action concerning Afghanistan has been to seize its cash reserves and gift it to the survivors of the 9/11 attacks.

From Lion Capital to Flag Code, Modi govt is shifting the meaning of India’s symbols

The lions in Asoka’s Lion Capital stand upon dharmachakra; they draw their power from dharma. The lions in Modi’s Central Vista step on dharmachakra; they are power unto themselves.

AMT, IMT, CVT, DCT — why you must know your automatic car before you buy one

Over 10% of all passenger cars sold in India had some form of automatic transmission or another. But all automatics are not created equal.

China’s failing white elephant projects in Sri Lanka have lessons for India

Five years after it acquired Hambantota, China is learning cash has bought neither profit nor power in Sri Lanka.

On Camera

Nuclear submarine will be a leapfrog for India-France ties, bring New Delhi into exclusive club

France’s offer could catapult India into yet another exclusive club of a select few countries that possess a whole range of submarines.

10 yrs ago, battery leasing failed to boost demand for EV cars in India. Now, it’s making a comeback

Under this model, battery is provided to EV owners on a subscription basis or lease. With more people open to buying EV cars, the lower upfront cost could likely drive wider acceptance.

Azerbaijan inducts JF-17 fighters from Pakistan as Armenia looks to India to beef up

While Azerbaijan is moving away from traditional arms supplier Russia and growing closer to Turkey & Pakistan, rival Armenia is depening defence ties with India, already a major supplier.

Lesson from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan: if you have no patience, you don’t deserve democracy

Sri Lankan transition was smoothly managed. Check Bangladesh for contrast. They forced their incumbent into exile, installed a mostly unelectable govt of non-political people.