Europe can’t complain about India’s silence over Ukraine. It should remember Galwan, Kashmir
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Europe can’t complain about India’s silence over Ukraine. It should remember Galwan, Kashmir

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Europeans complaining that New Delhi hasn’t condemned Russia over Ukraine forget their countries didn’t line up against China after Galwan, nor backed India on Kashmir. Long coddled by American security guarantees, Europe’s entitled nations — bar France — contribute little to global order. Europe needs to learn to fight its own battles.

Putin’s principle is China’s idea. India must join effort to punish Russia’s military aggression

The principle President Vladimir Putin asserts in Ukraine is this: Great Powers are entitled to subservience from weaker ones, and to use force at will. It’s an idea China has eagerly embraced. In its own interest, India ought stop equivocating, and support the global effort to punish Russia’s military aggression.