PMK manifesto on ‘staged love’ is conservative politics. Everybody wants to be an ‘uncle’
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PMK manifesto on ‘staged love’ is conservative politics. Everybody wants to be an ‘uncle’

ThePrint view on the most important issues.



PMK’s election manifesto in Tamil Nadu calling for parents’ approval for marriage under 21 is the stuff of conservative politics. Everybody wants to be an ‘uncle’, and exercise veto over adult decisions. Growing anxieties over youth freedoms–calling it ‘staged love’–isn’t the road India should go down on. 

BRO’s Ladakh feat shows true military modernisation. It should be replicated in other arms too

India’s border infrastructure is undergoing an unprecedented expansion. The BRO has connected a third axis to Ladakh at lightning speed to beef up the military’s operational capability. BRO’s turnaround from a sluggish organisation to a technologically fast-paced wonder is true military modernisation and should be replicated in other arms too.