Plumbing will now be taught at India’s engineering & architecture institutes, AICTE announces

Plumbing will now be taught at India’s engineering & architecture institutes, AICTE announces

Course to be introduced in the next academic year. It could be taken as a minor degree in the future. 

Engineering students in class | Representational Image | Commons

Engineering students in class | Representational Image | Commons

New Delhi: The All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) will introduce a course on plumbing in all engineering and architecture institutes in India, according to a press statement issued Wednesday. 

AICTE chairman Anil D. Sahasrabudhe signed a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) with the Indian Plumbing Association (IPA) Wednesday to introduce the course, according to the statement released jointly by AICTE and IPA Wednesday.

A strong need was felt to introduce plumbing in the country’s engineering and architecture curriculum “as plumbing leads to the health of a building”, the statement said. 

The course will be part of the curriculum in the next academic year, the statement said. 

“This is a tremendous opportunity for the whole plumbing sector stakeholders since Plumbing will become more organised and structured following this,” the statement quoted Gurmit Singh Arora, national president of the IPA, as having said.

”Plumbing is a science that is intimately linked to human health, hygiene, and the environment, as bad plumbing is the leading cause of structural damage to buildings, limiting their lifespan, and also the source of many water and airborne infections,” The IPA said in the press statement. “Hence, plumbing has a direct impact on human health.”

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Proposed course structure

The course is part of the proposed full MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) course and will be worth four credits, the statement said.  

MEP refers to the aspects of building information design and construction. 

The subject could be taken as a minor degree in the future, the MoU said. 

The course will be 50 hours long, with 80 per cent marks allocated for theory and 20 per cent for practicals, the press statement added. 

The IPA will train faculty on how to teach the course, the statement said. 

“One of IPA’s goals is to teach student engineers and architects the characteristics of proper plumbing techniques,” the statement said. 

(Edited By Uttara Ramaswamy)

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