Laptop curbs to generic medicine mandate—hasty executive orders hurt governance
50-Word Edit

Laptop curbs to generic medicine mandate—hasty executive orders hurt governance

ThePrint view on the most important issues.

50 word edit | ThePrint team

50 word edit | ThePrint team

From demonetisation to LRS, laptop curbs to generic medicine mandate, there is an emerging pattern in this government. Decisions are railroaded without thinking through or adequate deliberations on the likely fallout. They are later discarded. The inexplicable haste to rule by executive orders hurts governance, creates unnecessary anxieties among sectors.

Implementing the new National Curriculum Framework will be a nightmare

The new National Curriculum Framework looks well-meaning but implementing it will be a logistical nightmare. Having boards twice a year and introducing more courses should be part of a wider consultative process and debate. Not all schools in India are equipped to scale up to the required level quick enough.

Modi-Xi acted responsibly by pushing for de-escalation at LAC, away from military face-off

By calling for expediting talks to both disengage troops and de-escalate on LAC, Modi and Xi have acted as responsible leaders of big powers. It’s an acknowledgement that only negotiations can resolve legacy disputes, even if tough rounds may lie ahead. A military face-off is too dangerous to drag on.