The spirit and generosity of the Odia people stood out in the midst of the train collision
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The spirit and generosity of the Odia people stood out in the midst of the train collision

ThePrint view on the most important issues.



In the horrific, wrenching tragedy unfolding after the train collision, one thing stood out: the spirit and generosity of Odia people. The manner in which hundreds of people reached the spot to rescue the injured, donate blood, and camped out day and night in the scorching summer was indeed heart-warming.

India’s rotten criminal justice system protected Mukhtar Ansari. It must be held accountable

The 31 years it’s taken to convict UP legislator Mukhtar Ansari for murder have shown up India’s criminal justice system as a farce only loosely resembling the real thing. Legal stalling, intimidation, vanishing documents: A rotten system worked to protect Ansari from justice. That system must be held to account.