Sunday, September 29, 2024
HomeTalk Point

Talk Point

China seems to have no inclination to move on the boundary question

ThePrint asks: Is it possible to break the India-China border talks deadlock? India’s National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and China’s State Councillor, Yang Jiechi, special representatives...

India-China trust deficit is about more than Doklam and the border

As Ajit Doval and Yang Jiechi meet, the task will be to restore some trust between the countries and keep momentum in the border talks.

The meaning of Modi’s tears for critics and fans

It is not about how human Modi is. It is a testament to the amount of energy and effort that he has invested. Passion and commitment overwhelm him.

When Modi cries, it connects him to the poor farmers and the jobless youth

When men cry, it tends to jolt many around. Sadly, when women cry, in a gender-skewed society, people tend to say its ok.

Voters support BJP not for love but for keeping away rabid anti-Hindus in Congress camp

The fact that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had to sweat it out in his home, despite no organised opposition , says a lot about the voters' mind now.

We had the Modi factor in 2014, this time there seems to be the birth of the Rahul factor

Rahul Gandhi’s trust in the new leadership of Patidars, OBCs, and Dalits has been successful in creating a generational shift in the electoral competition.

In Indian politics the only age that matters is retirement age

Studies conducted by the CSDS indicate, for 65% of Indian voter’s, party affiliation of the candidate is the most important consideration for voting.

चुनाव आयोग के इतिहास में गुजरात चुनाव निम्नतम बिंदु है: योगेंद्र यादव

दिप्रिंट का सवाल: क्या पूर्व आइएएस अधिकारियों को चुनाव आयोग का कर्ताधर्ता नहीं बनना चाहिए, ताकि इसकी स्वतंत्रता बनी रहे ?

चुनाव आयोग को भारतीय नेताओं के चंगुल से बचाने की है जरूरत: एस वाय कुरैशी

दिप्रिंट का सवालः क्या पूर्व आइएएस अधिकारियों को चुनाव आयोग का कर्ताधर्ता नहीं बनना चाहिए, ताकि इसकी स्वतंत्रता बनी रहे ?

Rahul, not Modi, has proved to be a true student of the Bhagavad Gita

The young Congress chief said he would never malign the prime minister and declared that his party would “defeat the Congress with love, not hatred”.

On Camera

Drop that cigarette. Smokers are twice as likely to develop skin cancer compared to non-smokers

A noticeable effect of smoking is premature aging. Studies indicate that the skin biopsy of a 40-year-old heavy smoker can resemble that of a 70-year-old non-smoker.

10 yrs ago, battery leasing failed to boost demand for EV cars in India. Now, it’s making a comeback

Under this model, battery is provided to EV owners on a subscription basis or lease. With more people open to buying EV cars, the lower upfront cost could likely drive wider acceptance.

Morocco signs pact with Tata for joint manufacture of WhAP Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The armoured platform is India's first amphibious infantry combat wheeled vehicle. Last year, the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces had procured 90 military trucks from the Tata Group.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?