Monday, September 30, 2024
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India is ignoring the escalating war in Myanmar that could reignite conflicts in Northeast

The Arakan Army, sacrificed three decades ago to reward the Myanmar Junta’s cooperation against India’s Northeast insurgents, has staged a spectacular resurgence.

With Pakistan, peace is just a punctuation. Why Amit Shah’s Kashmir statement is no surprise

Scholar Ashley Tellis notes that India-Pakistan competition is not driven by discrete, negotiable differences. Instead, the problem is irreducible.

Reservations for Kashmir’s Paharis meant to help them but it could start new fires instead

Fieldwork has shown Paharis and Gujjars are deeply entwined, in ways that their political leadership does not acknowledge.

PFI ban is no quick fix for jihadi threat. See how SIMI ban birthed Indian Mujahideen

The toxic influence of Islamism represented by PFI shows a complex matrix of deeply embedded political and social problems. The fight needs political action, not just police.

For decades, Leicester built communal walls. Waves of immigrants made it more toxic

East Ham and Waltham Forest are Pakistani Punjabi, Luton is Kashmiri Muslim, Southall is Punjabi Sikh, and Tower Hamlet is Bangladeshi. Each walled off their neighbourhoods to other immigrants.

The many shades of grey in Iran’s hijab war show it’s not just personal freedom vs theocracy

The hijab is a metaphor for a bitter struggle that involves identity, the State, and social class. For Iran's women, Westernisation was unequal—and often traumatic.

PM Modi wants India to shed its colonial past. He should begin by reforming the police

Indian musical instruments in Army bands, new naval ensign, Raj Path renamed Kartavya Path. But one colonial legacy Modi hasn’t shown interest in eradicating is Police Act of 1861.

Forgotten story of great Hindu merchants in Central Asia shows enterprise can defeat China

The fortunes Indian merchants built in Samarkand, Bukhara and Tashkent were based on a single, simple thing: Selling all that Central Asian consumers needed.

Hiding Nazi connect to helping KGB spy, Queen Elizabeth II put family first

Queen Elizabeth II and her mother Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon allegedly protected a KGB spy for fear he might reveal the dark family secrets of Edward VIII.

‘Diamonds are cheap’, Imran’s aiming to crack Pakistan’s toughest institution

The curse of the five-carat diamond hasn’t just fallen on Imran and Bushra, though. It is also burning through the authority of the all-powerful Generals.

On Camera

Drop that cigarette. Smokers are twice as likely to develop skin cancer compared to non-smokers

A noticeable effect of smoking is premature aging. Studies indicate that the skin biopsy of a 40-year-old heavy smoker can resemble that of a 70-year-old non-smoker.

10 yrs ago, battery leasing failed to boost demand for EV cars in India. Now, it’s making a comeback

Under this model, battery is provided to EV owners on a subscription basis or lease. With more people open to buying EV cars, the lower upfront cost could likely drive wider acceptance.

Morocco signs pact with Tata for joint manufacture of WhAP Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The armoured platform is India's first amphibious infantry combat wheeled vehicle. Last year, the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces had procured 90 military trucks from the Tata Group.

Islam doesn’t kill democracy. The army-Islam combo does

How come Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Sri Lanka remain constitutional, democratic and stable despite Islam and Buddhism respectively, but Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar don’t?